All aboard for the Yellow Submarine Sing-A-Long YouTube Watch Party!
On Saturday, April 25th, you can escape to a place where "nothing is real" on The Beatles Youtube Channel at 9am PDT / 12pm EDT / 5pm BST for The Beatles' celebration of love and music -- surfacing from strange seas into a beautiful world free of the Blue Meanies!
You can set a reminder on the Youtube Watch Page here:
You are invited to share your photos and videos of you singing along at home and tag them #YellowSubLive. Following the film, The Fest for Beatles Fans will be sharing your images and videos on Instagram Stories in their Yellow Submarine Sing-A-Long AfterParty.
The backstory of how the animated feature was created, is explored in Inside the Yellow Submarine: The Making of the Beatles' Animated Classic by Robert R. Hieronimus, Ph.d. and in the upcoming, It's All In The Mind:

It's All In The Mind: Inside The Beatles' Yellow Submarine Vol.2
(Image by Dr. Bob Hieronimus, Ph.D. and Laura E. Cortner) Details DMCA
The Fest for Beatles Fans writes, "'On New York's Long Island, the joyful 'Here Comes the Sun' blasts overhead on the public address system at Mount Sinai South Nassau in Oceanside every time a COVID-19 patient is discharged" and in Detroit, "one of the newest U.S. hot spots for the fast-spreading disease, a Beaumont Health nurse said the 1969 Beatles hit was played not just when patients are discharged but each time they are taken off a ventilator to breath on their own."
#StayHome and Sing-A-Long #WithMe