During last forty-four years the Iranian government has tried very hard to paint the picture of the U.S as a most powerful, Great Satan who is totally void of scruples. Ironically, even people who live in distant villages of Iran dream of being able to immigrate to America.
The government's propaganda has blown up into their face in every aspect of the world of psychological propaganda. Recently, I was preparing an article for my Utube show in Farsi about psychological warfare, when I run into an article written by an EX-CIA official who had made a list of twelve forms of psychological propaganda. I was astonished to see that the Iranian government has been using all of those twelve methods since the beginning in 1979. Obviously, while cursing the Great Satan they had adopted its suggestions.
Although, we have learned that one cannot believe Iranian politicians' comments. The fact that the state department did not deny the Iranian Foreign minister, one can postulate that he is telling the truth for a change. The point that Mr. foreign minister is missing is that during 1979 the U.S was supporting the strong ruler of Iran: The Shah of Persia up to the last moment. The Carter administration did not want a regime change in Iran. However, they agreed with the king's departure after a meeting of the leaders of France, Britain, Spain and the U.S in Guadalupe Island. Apparently in that meeting Carter was told by France's Giscard d'Estaing That he had heard from Shah's French personal doctor that the king is not physically(cancer) and psychologically (severe depression, anxiety and confusion) able to get it together enough to put down the Iranian revolution.
Although, since 1979 Iran has been a royal pain in the backside of the entire free world and is currently helping Putin in his war against Ukraine. American government does not like to see a regime Change in Iran because of geopolitics of the area. Beginning with Ronald Reagan until now, all intelligence agencies of the U.S, MI6 and the rest point to the horrible possible outcome of Iran falling apart and Russians getting a piece of it.
I have heard and have been told by Iranian and American officials that any possible regime change in Iran has to come from Iranian people. To simplify the matter, we have to accept that Iran is not Iraq, Afghanistan or Grenada.
Fortunately, everyone's dream is coming true. An unfortunate deadly behavior by the "Morality Police" has turned to a popular uprising that Iranian government cannot suppress. During last six weeks hundreds of people are killed, thousands are wounded and tens of thousands are arrested. However, the slogans of "Women, Life, & Freedom" and "Death to the Dictator" do not go away. Even though the ruling class has ripped off the country from head to toe. They have too much to lose and are too hated to compromise with.
Just to finish on a funny note. I should tell you about a new game in Iran. The game is called "turban throwing". When a clergyman is noticed anywhere, young boys and girls run fast behind him and hit and throw away their turbans and scape. The clergy are too fat to chase a teenager. Even when mullahs are in their bombproof cars, they have to remove their turbans as they are faced with many stones hitting their vehicles.
Last week one of the clergymen complained that when a teenager throws his turban, the angry clergyman yelled at the boy saying, " that turban was worn by the prophet Mohammad himself". To his astonishment the boy got his genital out and urinated on the turban.
(Article changed on Nov 06, 2022 at 4:32 PM EST)