Recently, there were reports that some members of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corp (IRGC) were entering hospitals being loud, aggressive and half crazy. They were going to every room including the operating rooms, shouting that they were looking for traitors. The doctors present in the hospitals were certain that the guards were on strong illicit drugs.
These behaviors coincide with the reports from Syria where Narchotrafficking has become a government supported business. Apparently, they use the Hezbollah of Lebanon in their exports. Since the Hezbollah is an extension of Iranian government, it was easy to make the connection.
Additional research on this issue clarified that the Iranian government is giving Captagon which is an old but very potent amphetamine mixed with other potent chemicals to IRGC to fight the recent Iranian peaceful demonstrations.
Captagon and other Amphetamine were introduced to armies of the world during First World War. They were used during Second World War as well .However, their production was totally stopped in 1980.
Captagon and its different variations create feelings of euphoria, aggression, increased sense of sexuality, omnipotence, much less need of sleep and excessive energy. When it is used in higher doses it can produce paranoia, hallucinations, and confusion and physical attacks.
Although pharmaceutical companies are not permitted to make Captagon, Syria is making billions of dollars making it and getting it to the black market through Hezbollah and other drug traffickers.
A person exhibiting such feelings and behavior could be well used in savage fighting against civilians in Iranian cities and inside the torture chambers of Iranian political prisons.
(Article changed on Dec 04, 2022 at 2:38 PM EST)