This may sound ridiculous, like fighting fire with fire, or fighting terrorism with more terrorism. But a closer look may reveal why Americans must shed the mantle of respectability (and rationality) in order to bring the middle zone back in line with what is GOOD for citizens, and for recreating our society into one in which we WANT to live.
Here is the text of a letter I wrote and sent to the president today. (It was in response to an email describing the formula he has openly been using in order to find the exact center of american opinion on the issues, which is the point where he begins formulating his solutions):
(Dear President Obama,) "Common ground" is not a satisfactory goal to begin forming the solution! Sometimes half of that common ground is made up of nazis, or kkk members. This 'in the middle" stance has been exploited mercilessly by those extreme members above, and their likes, to give the greatest loss of rights, the worst economic losses, and the most fractured system of health care the american citizens have EVER had to endure, and it must stop. If the people put forth an extreme version of their own goals, such as demanding all health care be free, all politicians PAY instead of getting paid to work, and reverse racial and other disparities, the solution COULD come out in the middle, could be rational, but we don't do that--we have too much self respect. You must stop going for a deal with the devil every time. (Sent 1/21/13)
While neocons and so-called other conservatives have consistently used audacious stances as a means to manipulate Obama into making far-right decisions (believing they are center), the politics of this nation have lost ALL sense of rationality. The reason this works against us ALL is entirely due to the realistic and fair-minded requests he receives from the left. We are learning late in the game that we should have been propping up our own extreme end as a counter measure. Occupy is not extreme. Neither are other non-violent protests, and it has not benefited us to be peaceful, but being violent would have been much worse! The real problem is that we have SHOWN UP to every argument with a medial and realistic solution that would work beautifully, in most cases, if adopted in its presented state. Unfortunately, that is not in line with the presidential formula.
What we SHOULD have been saying, from the start, are things like:
--we want a complete end to ALL wars NOW.
--we want 100% high-quality healthcare provided free of charge to all americans NOW.
--we want ALL war crimes suspects (including Cheney and Bush's #1 & 2) to be arrested and held without bail NOW.
--we want ALL media companies and personnel who have deceived the public to lose all rights, licensing, and future in the business, and their arrests to occur NOW.
--we want the FED shut down, and all monies given over to the federal government, in trust for citizens, and all FED and other bankers at the elite level arrested and held without bail NOW.
--we want all huge corporations that harm the environment, cheat people, or influence politics shut down (all assets going in trust for citizens), and for the owners, boards of directors and CEO's arrested and held without bail NOW.
--we want prisons emptied of all inmates incarcerated via plea bargain, or for drug-use or possession crimes, or for activism/whistleblowing. We want ALL these people released from prisons and jails, and their records washed clean NOW.
--we want all violent and corrupt police, judges, and lawyers arrested and held without bail NOW.
--we want all politicians who have worked with and profited from lobbyists, and those lobbyists, arrested and held without bail NOW.
--we want Monsanto and Halliburton, and other too-big companies that threaten people and small business, shut down, and all owners, CEO's, etc, arrested and held without bail NOW.
--we want the guarantee of housing and food for all citizens to be protected and provided for all, NOW.
--we want the drug companies to expose the actual ingredients and dangers of their drugs, and for these companies to be non profit (no longer will drug patent rights be held by individuals or companies) NOW.
--we want all billionaires' money and assets seized, and it shall be illegal for any person or family to hold more than $100 million in assets.
I could go on and on. Please add to this list! We must pull the common ground FAR to the left if we are to have a nation we can survive in by next year. Many are dying and suffering now. Many won't make it until next year, simply because the president does not stray from a corruptly weighted formula that we are just now figuring out.