CPAC, the Conservative Political Action Conference, is taking place in Maryland right now. It's always a joke. Each speaker attempts to outdo the last by bashing everything President Obama, and any other influential Democrat, has accomplished. They have people speak who shouldn't be allowed to give their opinion at a PTA meeting; they lack the intelligence. I'm referring to Sarah (half governor) Palin, Donald (It's gonna be huge) Trump, and Rick (I've never turned down a drink) Perry.
Events such as this liberal bashing event do more to divide our country than George W. Bush did in eight long years. It is no different from an NRA convention whose only purpose is to use the emotions of their members to work against their own interests.
It's time the term 'bi-partisan' was removed from the English language. It doesn't and will not ever exist again. With power and wealth the only goal of politicians, getting elected is paramount, issues be damned.
Our founding fathers may have been correct in the assumption that a Democratic Republic was the best form of government. But that was then, this is now.
Government does not work. Its only goal is protecting capitalism and the profit motive. The struggle between the United States and Putin-led Russia has little to do with the people, and a lot to do with oil, military advantage, and just plain money. When battles become about possessions, the people lose, and wars are waged. I truly hope this situation does not come to that, but leaders of all countries love a good war.
Let's give democracy a chance. Our government needs to cease all the name calling, and misleading their constituents for the sake of political power. Officials must to be elected who are willing to work with each other, party be damned. The people should be first, and party second, but it's not that way at present.
When I was a young man, I loved politics. Now I hate it. It's no more than just another four-letter word.
James Turnage