If they were really concerned about our health...
- They would be devoting great attention to nursing homes, where a majority of deaths take place. Instead, residents in nursing homes have been tragically abandoned.
- They would have told us to take daily zinc and megadoses of vitamin D and maybe Reishi extract and other immune boosters, instead of telling us to wear masks which are certainly less helpful than your own immune system (and maybe not helpful at all).
- They would be reporting case and fatality numbers to us honestly, instead of skewing reportage to make COVID look more frightening.
- They would have quarantined the sick very tightly and very early, rather than quarantining all of us late and loosely.
- They would be aggressively testing treatments, rather than discrediting them with ridicule and telling us to wait for a vaccine.
- They would not have isolated us from human touch and face-to-face contact, with devastating psychological effects that carry over into physical health.
- They would have weighed the health costs of lockdown against benefits of slowing the spread of the disease.
- They would have rigorously tested the foundational premise that people who look, feel, and act perfectly healthy can be a dangerous source of contagion.
- They would have allowed the American people to have the health care system we've always wanted, with extensive consumer choice, publicly funded single-payer, with a healthy mix of Western medicine and the best of alternative modalities.
- They would not have been slashing the budgets for workplace safety, pollution control, and public health year by year for the last 40 years.
- They would be telling us the truth.