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It is not complicated: war or peace?

By Dr. Mazin Qumsiyeh  Posted by Peter Barus (about the submitter)   5 comments, In Series: Reports from Palestine
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Peter Barus
Message Peter Barus

Why Palestine matters and is key to peace globally

1) Palestine was a multi-ethnic, multi-cultural, multi-religious, & multi-lingual country targeted to be transformed it to a "Jewish state". The core of this project (Zionism) is thus ethnic cleansing which started under British Rule (to fulfil the illegal Balfour declaration) and accelerated under more direct Zionism control. That is why we have 8 million Palestinian refugees and displaced people and 530 villages and towns wiped out and 250,000 native Palestinians killed (ongoing genocide).

2) International law is very clear: Palestinian Refugees have a right to return to their homes and lands, Israeli colonial settlements built since 1967 including in Jerusalem are illegal, and Israel has engaged in processes that amount to war crimes and crimes against humanity

3) Israel has never been a democracy. It is an apartheid racist regime that even after expelling most Palestinians, have instituted 65 laws that discriminate against the remaining native Palestinians.

4) Zionist propaganda is easy to refute with logical explanations based on facts (and the three principles above). For example, it is easy to answer the nonsense like Israel is "defending itself". Someone comes and shoots your brother, points a gun at your head and tells you to get out of your house and claim their religion tells them to do so. Then you are pushed down the street and they besiege you and stop you from getting food and medicine and test new guns on you every few years. You are not the aggressor if you resist. International law is clear on this point: colonized/occupied people have a right (and even duty) of resistance. Anyway colonization is itself violence: ask native Americans and Blacks in South Africa or any other country that went through the experience. Colonization kills 15 native civilians for every 1 colonizer. The answer is simple, end apartheid ends the violence (exhibit A: South Africa).

5) No colonial anti-colonial struggle has ever ended in a two-state solution. It is fictional and the TALK about it from the time that Ben Gurion proposed it over 100 years ago is merely (as Ben Gurion himself stated on more than one occasion) intended for PR efforts (he even cited colonial treaties with native Americans which could be broken after consolidating powers). Colonial-Native struggles end in one of three scenarios: a) Algerian model (nearly 2 million killed, 1 million colonizers and their descendants left the country), b) genocide of natives (USA, Australia), c) coexistence in one country of descendants of colonizers and of native people (the rest of the world >140 countries). There is no fourth scenario. Palestine will not be an exception. It is the last struggle and prolonged only because of the resourcefulness and wealth of Zionistsm western and Arab collusion, and the weakness of their victims.

6) If we want a roadmap to real sustainable peace (not pacification), all we have to do is insist that we implement the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It has all the needed elements (no discrimination, rights of refugees to return etc).

7) Palestine is important to 2.5 billion Christians, 1.8 billion Muslims, 15 million Jews. It is also at a pivotal land bridge between Africa and Eurasia. It is also important becausev the Zionist lobbies decapitated international law and made western countries support a horrific genocide/holocaust of our people (complicity). Thus, people around this planet developed joint struggle (including via a push for boycotts, divestment and sanctions) which could help end the nightmare just like it did with Apartheid South Africa. But unlike there, if we do not succeed, then a catastrophic global war is coming.

It is really not that satisfying when ones own predictions come true. In a chapter in a book titled Moment of Truth: Tackling Israel-Palestine's Toughest Questions published in 2018, I argued that another (15th) intifada is inevitable and hoped it would be the last. But much earlier in my 2004 book Sharing the Land of Canaan (available free here) I expressed the certainty that Zionist colonization will end one way or another. I explained that this can happen violently in very unpleasant way (like in Algeria) or will happen a bit less traumatically (though still violent) like happened in South Africa. This is merely a reading of history and is irrespective of ones own emotional desires. I have been politically active for over 40 years now and in those decades have seen and argued with many Zionists. Few of them became post-Zionist or even anti-Zionist. I only feel sad that I did not manage to convince too many of them who remained tribalistic (with that classic superiority-inferiority complex found in all colonial oppressors). A rather tectonic shift in awareness is happening to humanity as we collectively watch the utter depravity and insane behavior of the colonizers (demolishing high rise building, pogroms against non-Jews, children massacred, ethnic cleansing) facing heroic resistance from the indigenous people. Yet, it is still not clear that this sumud is enough to coerce the oppressors to abandon oppression or that the machinations of the oppressors that created the Oslo (Vichy) government would not succeed. Perhaps I was too optimistic to assume that popular resistance can succeed to end Zionism in a half-decent way. Perhaps the deep-rooted brain-washing of generations of colonizers and colonized makes it too hard to turn back. I hope I am wrong. But we Palestinians must face up to the reality that we have far more challenges than a well financed and powerful Zionist movement that corrupted many governments to support oppression. We must acknowledge that the Zionist movement greatest success was facilitating the empowerment of a political elite group of Palestinians who hijacked a political faction (Fatah) and claiming representation of Palestine and do not want to pay the (financial) cost of repentance and return to sanity. Instead they continue to live in their delusions of importance and ignoring corruption all around them not even realizing that the end of such a road for them will be far more ruinous than the alternative. They need to learn the lesson of history of encounter with Zionism and its Arab facilitators. It is urgent. It is existential to them and to all of us (and indeed the whole of humanity). Zionism does not merely aim to control Palestine and ethnically cleanse it (when strong even of its own collaborators). Like previous colonial movements (see US as an example) it is expansionist and aims for empire. No one will be safe even the collaborators and the facilitators as far as the Arab Gulf (and certainly not Jews themselves yearning for normality).

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Peter Barus

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"What becomes possible, soon becomes necessary: invention is the mother of necessity"
       -- Peter Barus

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From Mazin Qumsiyeh: On good news, our museum is going to get support from Ministry of Tourism (approved) AND is now a member of the network of LaSallian museums (Red Mundial de Museos Lasallistas). Below is the global list of members. Thank you for your ongoing support

  • Colección Colegio La Salle Maravillas - Madrid (España) - Natural
  • Colección Colegio La Salle San Rafael - Madrid (España) - Natural, Ciencia y Tecnolog-a
  • Colección Distrital Argentina - Paraguay - Cordoba (Argentina) - eclesial - Lasallian
  • Museo De La Salle - De La Salle University - Dasmariñas (Filipinas)
  • Museo di Storia Naturale Pietro Franchetti - Turin (Italia) - Natural
  • Museo Histórico La Salle - Canoas (Brasil)
  • Museo Hôtel de La Salle - Reims (Francia) - eclesial - lasallian
  • Museo La Salle Arguello - Cordoba (Argentina) - historica, natural
  • Museo La Salle Buenos Aires - Buenos Aires (Argentina) - historico, natural y educativo
  • Museo La Salle Casa Generalicia - Roma (Italia) - eclesial - lasallian
  • Museo La Salle Cochabamba - Cochabamba (Bolivia) - histórico, natural
  • Museo La Salle College of Saint Benilde - Manila (Filipinas) - arte contemporaneo - Diseño
  • Museo La Salle Griñon - Griñon (España) - eclesial LaSalle
  • Museo La Salle Lima - Lima (Peru) - histórico, natural
  • Museo La Salle Paterna (España) - histórico, natural
  • Museo Universidad La Salle Bacolod - Bacolod (Filipinas) - historical, eclesial
  • Museo La Salle San Jose - San Jose (Costa Rica) - natural
  • Museo Universidad La Salle Bogota - Bogota (Colombia) - natural
  • Museo Universidad La Salle Bajio - Leon (Mexico) - Arte
  • Museo Universidad La Salle Mexico DF - Mexico DF (Mexico) - historico
  • Museu Histórico Universidad La Salle Rio Grande do Sul - Rio Grande (Brasil) - educativo
  • Palestine Museum of Natural History (PMNH) - Bethlehem University - Bethlehem (Palestina) - natural

Submitted on Wednesday, Sep 4, 2024 at 8:55:52 AM

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Blair Gelbond

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Of Gaza's 36 hospitals, only 17 remain at least partially functional. The only limb reconstruction and rehabilitation center in Gaza stopped normal operations in December due to staffing and supply shortages, and was later damaged in a February raid. The war has killed 39 physiotherapists, according to external reports, and has forced most other rehabilitation workers from their homes.

"The huge surge in rehabilitation needs occurs in parallel with the ongoing decimation of the health system," Peeperkorn said in a statement. "Patients can't get the care they need. Acute rehabilitation services are severely disrupted and specialized care for complex injuries is not available, placing patients' lives at risk. Immediate and long-term support is urgently needed to address the enormous rehabilitation needs."

"We have lost all inpatient rehabilitation services due to the conflict," Skelton told EuroNews...

It is also difficult for patients to access the supplies they need to recover; only 13% of the demand for equipment like wheelchairs and crutches has been fulfilled, and only for those injured since the war began.

Submitted on Friday, Sep 13, 2024 at 2:07:54 PM

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"When shall it be said in any country of the world, my poor are happy; neither ignorance nor distress is to be found among them; my jails are empty of prisoners, my streets of beggars; the aged are not in want, the taxes are not oppressive...when these things can be said, then may that country boast of its constitution and government."~ Thomas Paine"
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Its adding up to me that Mother's in Palestine are got going to be able to forgive what Our US tax dollars fund.

Submitted on Friday, Sep 13, 2024 at 9:31:07 PM

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I believe the deeper agenda in this is to create more terrorism.

More terrorism > more MIC.

More MIC > more need for repressive measures at home and "alliances against terrorism" abroad.

Submitted on Saturday, Sep 14, 2024 at 2:17:02 PM

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In a video, Nelson said he would set himself ablaze "to stop supplying Israel with the money and weapons it uses to imprison and murder innocent Palestinians" and "to pressure Israel to end the genocide in Gaza."

For the third time since Israel launched a war on Gaza for which it is currently on trial for genocide at the World Court, a person in the United States has set themself on fire to protest Israel's killing of more than 41,000 Palestinians and U.S. complicity in the slaughter.

In an incident all but completely ignored by the U.S. corporate media, a man identified as Matt Nelson set himself alight near the Israeli Consulate in Boston at around 8:15 pm local time on Wednesday, September 11.

"My name is Matt Nelson and I'm about to engage in an extreme act of protest," he said in a video first uploaded to YouTube on Wednesday. "We are all culpable in the ongoing genocide in Gaza."

On December 1, a woman-- whose identity remains unknown-- carrying a Palestinian flag was hospitalized in critical condition after setting herself alight outside the Israeli consulate in Atlanta. Police called it an "act of extreme political protest." Israeli Consul-General Anat Sultan-Dadon called it an act of "hate and incitement toward Israel."

Then, in an incident that gained worldwide attention, Aaron Bushnell, a 25-year-old active-duty U.S. airman, doused himself in an unknown accelerant, donned his service cap, and set himself ablaze in front of the Israeli Embassy in Washington, D.C. on February 25.

Bushnell repeatedly screamed "Free Palestine" as he burned. Secret Service officers quickly rushed to the scene, with at least one of them drawing his pistol and pointing it at the burning man while ordering him to "get on the ground, you f*cker."

Submitted on Saturday, Sep 14, 2024 at 2:42:52 PM

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