I'm referring to the government bank raids in Cyprus, of course, where up to 10% of private accounts are simply being stolen by the government. It's being called the great EU bank robbery, and there is a lot of speculation that this may set off bank runs across European nations. But the media calls it nothing more than a "haircut."
Why is everybody using the term "haircut" to describe this outright theft? The reason, of course, is because the term "haircut" is a mind game. Its purpose is to make it sound like it's not outright theft. By calling it a "haircut," it seems more polite, almost as if the government there is doing everybody a favor.
Robbery is not a haircut. It's theft, and when a government blatantly steals money right out of the checking or savings accounts of millions of people, that's a criminal act. Sure, they can slap nice-sounding labels on it such as "haircut" or even a "tax," but it's still essentially the same thing as being mugged at gunpoint on the street.
Consider this: If the government went door to door, confiscating everybody's cash, gold and jewelry, would the media also call that a "haircut?"
Notice who never takes a haircut? The globalist banks There's so much hair cutting going on these days that it almost feels like we're trapped in a demonic salon. But there's one institution that never takes a hair cut: the global banking elite.
In fact, they are the recipients of all the financial theft "haircuts" that are harming everyone else. Have you ever wondered where all this stolen money ends up going? Directly into the hands of the banksters, of course.
Why don't nations tell the banksters to take a hair cut instead of allowing them to steal money from all the people? Iceland did, actually: They told the bankers to go to Hell and threatened to have them arrested. By taking this stand, Icelanders saved their country from economic collapse -- without being plundered by the global banksters.
It's time the people of the world woke up to the total criminality of the banking cartels and gave those bankers a "reverse haircut." Central banks and global banking institutions have been stealing our wealth and our savings for so long that people seem to have become accustomed to it. So they fail to find the proper response when faced with criminals stealing money from them right under their noses. The correct response is to arrest the bankers and throw them in prison. Cancel the fraudulent debts, take back national sovereignty over money supplies (which means ending the Fed, of course) and end the era of bankster looting and theft that now functions as an economic cancer ravaging our world economies.