The Warren Commission Report was very adamant in their conclusions that the fatal shots came from nowhere else except from the rear from the Texas School Depository Building.
However, a closer analysis of the only amateur tape known to exist, "The Zapruder Film", shows quite certainly (at 2:00 minutes)
that the fatal shot that mortally wounded JFK hit him at the front right side of his face, the back of his head untouched, like from that slightly elevated grassy knoll on the right side of the president's opened top vehicle.
An enlarged slow motion close-up peak (at 2:43 minutes)
at JFK's hit shows quite clearly that the fatal shot hit the president at
the front right side of his face, again, the back of his head untouched.
Again, an enlarged slow motion close-up view of JFK's fatal shot, this time, frame by frame, indicates that FRAME 317 (at 3:26 minutes)
is the frame that tells the world that "The Warren Commission Report" should is grossly flawed, a fraudulent cover up for the nation's posterity, revealing to all that JFK was mortally wounded on the right front side of his face, his head in the back virtually untouched-a matter for further criminal investigation.