"individual capitalists of the West investing huge sums of money in Asia, Africa, and South America, only to take the profits out with no concern for the social betterment of the countries, and say, 'This is not just.' ...the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today is my own country...
This has driven many to feel that only Marxism has a revolutionary spirit. Therefore, communism is a judgment against our failure to make democracy real ...Our only hope today lies in our ability to recapture the revolutionary spirit and ... declaring eternal hostility to poverty, racism, and militarism".
Similar sentiments from Rev. Jeremiah Wright more than thirty years later,
"If I help the hungry in the world, they call me a saint. If I ask why are there hungry folks, they will call me a communist--if you help the homeless, they call you a saint; but if you ask why people are homeless, they call you a socialist. I am proud to be called a socialist, I want to know why!"
Why the poor are not seen as people, but rather as a liability for health care," Why there is a 5 to 7% incarceration of black men in a country that has 2,225 juveniles are serving life without parole"
The war promoting entertainment/news media cartel inadvertently promoted a war condemning preacher to national notoriety with repeating TV sound bites of an angry Rev. Wright, arm raised, fiercely declaiming in a hoarse voice, "God damn America for its war crimes!" "God damn America for killing innocent people,"
Just as King's speech condemning the Vietnam War was vilified by the New York Times, Washington Post, ABC, as treasonous, just so was Wright pilloried in commercial media as anti-American. For the first time in these 42 years, the peace movement has a charismatic celebrity religiously following in King Jr.' footsteps! Both men base condemnation of violence on love. Both had the same divinity school teacher
He spoke of his divinity school teachers and his education by events in the lives of Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm and the many other noble luminaries of black and minority leadership during the long history of the fight for liberation of Francis Fanon's Wretched of the Earth. And finally, that he had been formed as well from his years of ministry and listening "in the pew."
He denounced the United States government for repeatedly launching wars "based on one lie after another" - for the of agony and manslaughter of Palestinians
Wright blasted both the foreign and domestic policies of this country, including its current "wars of greed" in Afghanistan and Iraq , a country that places priority on profit over people -- particularly the world's most oppressed.
Listening to the Rev. Jeremiah Wright once he reached the fiery peak of his preaching about the horrors and human degradation, the comparison with Martin Luther King Jr. thundering during his 1967 Beyond Vietnam address in New York was beautifully obvious.
Martin Luther King had come to the conclusion that we had to connect with everyone everywhere suffering predatory capitalism and imperialist war. So has Jeremiah Wright.
Veterans For Peace and every peace promoting organization is energized and aided by such a charismatic and dynamic preacher as is Rev. Jeremiah, who walks in the footsteps of Martin Luther King Jr. demanding sanity from
Conglomerate owned disinformation and war propaganda spreading TV networks, radio stations and newspapers promote egotism, selfishness, capitalist materialism, frantic consumerism, militarism and fear of other peoples.
We can nurture the spread of both these pastors' fearlessly outspoken denunciations of the government's crimes and King's and Wright's call for love, sharing, community, government reform and humanity and fairness toward other nations.