Justification for Guiding National Policy by Peer Reviewed, Humane Science
American individuals and families health have long been neglected by both political parties. A groundswell of American voters should support serious changes in our political and economic systems. Donald Trump resisted dealing seriously with Covid19 for a year until mounting infections and death forced him to declare and fund Operation Warp Speed. But for 30 prior years both Republican and Democratic parties left the American people unprepared for any pandemic! COVID19 is far from the most lethal virus known. Marburg and Ebola killed anywhere from 22% - 88% of those infected. But COVID19 has now caused about 53 million American infections including taking 838,000 lives. When did a war among humans ever take near so many casualties? See the New York Times article "Beneath a Government Debacle: 30 years of Government Culpability."
Our federal governments have a solicitous, corporate - helpful "pro development" attitude toward private profit making. Corporations activities are increasingly against our people's general welfare! Look at the rotten substances allowed and advertised in our diets: excess sugar, fat, vapors, drugs. The pandemic is but one example. "But the Covid19 pandemic was an act of God." No! There was a news media documented record of struggles by public health officials to contain outbreaks of "Hot Zone" super contagious and severely lethal viruses. It started with Marburg virus in 1967 and Ebola in1976. While Republicans and Democrats slumbered their way on cushions of corporate money, awakening only to propagandize us for reelection, Big Pharma was allowed to decline the work of research and invention of vaccines and public health preparation. Public health officials struggled, often themselves endangered in foreign lands, to stop outbreaks. This is why we were so unprepared, lacking vaccines, ventilators, and PPE.
With all big powers, US, Russia, China, armed to the teeth with stalemating nuclear weapons of mutually assured destruction, we must look now to how our governments treat our citizens! We must demand a reorientation of priorities for policies and expenditures toward individuals general welfare. Everyone is now paralyzed by fear of loss of income. This owes partly to the fear that deficit expenditure would lead to high inflation and eventual collapse. This "deficit danger" is pro oligarchy, pro-status quo rubbish! Learn Modern Monetary Theory. Money can just be created for adjustment purposes. Our politicians need now to be wrenched away from subsidizing the Hydrocarbon Junta and feeding the Military Industrial Complex, etc. They need to be wrenched toward funding mitigation of macro and micro "apolitical" dangers, particularly toward defensive climate change infrastructures. e.g. mega windmill projects and toward biological medical defense!
I have created a petition for reorientation at Change.org. It is listed under "Environmental." Also advocate creation of two panels of national, authoritative physical and biological scientists not politically chosen advisors or snake oil salesmen. These panels must offer the Congress and Executive declarations, by majority vote, in vigorous language, against certain ongoing trends and for mega mitigation projects and defense of individuals' health!
Robert Cogan, Phd Emeritus