Michael Phelps should endorse the best cereal and Kellogg's products are not healthy, nutritionally or ethically. Their Toasty Crackers contained salmonella because of tainted peanut butter. Aside from their deadly side, Kellogg's is just sugary cereal with debatable nutritional value. There are many healthier cereals out there and we should buy them, not Kellogg's. How did Kellogg's ever get in a position to determine who would be the heroes on children's morning breakfast cereal covers? Were they pushing more culture war bullshit? I'll bet their political contributions go to Republicans.
I live in Seattle, Washington. Seriously, may I suggest that Michael Phelps endorse "Nature's Path Organic HempPlus Granola" made in Blaine, Washington. It's great cereal.
Get out there and get your picture on that cereal box, Michael Phelps. Let's create a culture where athlete's photos go on cereal boxes that actually have healthy ingredients and attitudes.
Kellogg's is not healthy or ethical enough to qualify.
Kellogg's is dangerous and hypocritical in their sponsorship. Kellogg's signed Michael Phelps to his contract knowing he had a DUI. That was fine with them. Phelp's DUI behavior was dangerous behavior compared to his bong hits. People die because some drivers are drunk and have fatal accidents. Duh.
Even if not driving, alcohol can get violent quickly. That's in alcohol's nature. Pot's nature is not violent. It's a different feeling involving silly old laughter and contemplation, among other attitudes. There's more love in pot than alcohol.