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Kucinich, CodePink: Trump Violates Constitution

By       (Page 1 of 1 pages)   24 comments, In Series: Dennis Kucinich
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Meryl Ann Butler
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Dennis Kucinich speaking at the Sister Giant
Dennis Kucinich speaking at the Sister Giant
(Image by Meryl Ann Butler)
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Former Congressman and current Democratic Candidate for Governor of Ohio, Dennis Kucinich, was quick to issue a statement regarding Trump's ordering a military attack against Syria, saying that Trump's actions embolden ISIS, erode our democracy and violate our Constitution. Kucinich is well known for carrying a copy of the Constitution in his pocket, which he refers to often. He stated:

President Trump acted without congressional authorization in ordering a military attack against Syria tonight. This is a clear violation of the United States Constitution, Article 1, Section 8 which makes it clear that only Congress has the power to declare war.

The President's Article II authority as "Commander in Chief" does not give him the authority to act independent of Congress on matters of war. This is not a mere technicality. The doctrine of separation of powers is the only thing which protects the US from becoming a dictatorship. The President is subject to the law.

The gas attack on Douma must be dealt with in an international court of law. If the US does not stand for the rule of law, how can we demand other countries to do so?

The attack on Syria will embolden ISIS. Our military power should not be used to help, directly or indirectly, ISIS and those elements whose philosophy is inimical to the United States of America.

The President has violated the Constitution, usurping the power of Congress This is not about whether or not the President hates Syria's leaders. It is about whether or not he loves the US Constitution, which he took an oath to defend.

The President chose to order a military attack almost a week after the gas attack on Douma. He had plenty of time to seek congressional approval, but he chose not to do so, even though he himself specifically said "The President must get congressional approval before attacking Syria - big mistake if he does not." (Twitter, August 30th, 2013).

The war power is not for this President, or any President, to use at his instance, unless the United States itself is in danger and facing an imminent threat. US soldiers or US weapons must never be sent to war without congressional approval.

The President's confrontation with the Russian military based in Syria endangers American troops stationed there. There is a danger of a much wider war with both Russia and Iran

Congress must step up to its responsibilities and rein in this presidential abuse of power and violation of the US Constitution.

CodePink said, "On Friday night, Donald Trump violated US law and international law by bombing Syria. This impulsive decision to strike Syria, without waiting for the chemical inspectors to carry out their investigations and without Congressional approval, is a dangerous escalation of an already horrific war."

CodePink invites citizens to t ell their Senators and Representative to invoke the War Powers Act to stop unconstitutional strikes on Syria here.

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Meryl Ann Butler is an artist, author, educator and OpedNews Managing Editor who has been actively engaged in utilizing the arts as stepping-stones toward joy-filled wellbeing since she was a hippie. She began writing for OpEdNews in Feb, 2004. She became a Senior Editor in August 2012 and Managing Editor in January, (more...)

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