"Lavender, sweet blooming lavender, full of blossoms and dreams." - Miranda Gray
"Lavender is the ultimate symbol of beauty and grace." - Unknown
From vibrant, enchanting, shades of purple hue
To delicate violet and sapphire blue
Symbols of grace, beauty and royalty
Whispering love, devotion and fealty
Earth's purple lavender canopy
Portends peace, amid the world's brutal chaos and anarchy
Chancely, a purple lens colours life's burdens, enigmas, and endlessly clashing refrains
Scripted by Alice Walker's purple-inked pen, dipped in society's ills and disdain
Seen through Jimi Hendrix's purple haze dreams, angst, and pain
And heard in Prince's prophetic, dire, judgement day's purple rain
Meadows of brilliant, pale-purple, mauve petaled feathery spikes
Magical places for tots and tykes
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