Of all the sneaky things Obama has done to America this may be the worst. TPP is in complete opposition to his campaign promises in 2008 and 2012. I have said before that Obama is laying groundwork to be a fascist dictator of the world. I think Bush had similar ideas but was both not smart enough and also may have had a glimmer of conscience .
The TPP was begun under bush. It is NAFTA on steroids. NAFTA promised jobs and instead moved industry to Asia, Mexico and elsewhere producing job losses here. without jobs and manufacturing there is no hope for our economy as it relates to the people
The TPP will fulfill all the demands of big business by bypassing American people and our worthless congress on many decisions on topics now covered by the SEC, EPA, OSHA, and other government branches that were created for public safety, health and worker support. These regulatory agencies are hated by the elites because all these regulations about worker safety, health and pollution all cost corporations in taxes, labor cost, and pollution control. Corporations are always trying to get more profit by cutting costs relating to citizens and workers.
These are things long worked for by labor unions and some of congress who are not on the payroll of the elites.
TPP will function outside of congress, labor unions, states, and citizen's vote. A huge part of America will be turned over to a group of international corporations; in other words it will be a world wide government of, by and for corporations.
You can see why corrupt American politicians being bankrolled by the elite will see dollar signs from this sellout to the American people, smaller nations and workers world wide. Multinational corporations will control the workers and economies of nations world wide and stand to feed their insatiable greed with endless wealth. Mussolini used the word fascism to describe merging government with corporations and their elite. Fascism is definitely not a form of government concerned with citizens or the economy.
In every fascist government people have gotten fed up with trampling of rights and the feudal economy and have attempted dissent and rebellion. Police states have grown as the method of controlling inevitable citizen unrest. In the days of Hitler, Franco and Mussolini weapons of citizen control were very primitive compared with our modern heat rays, Apache helicopters, drones, missiles and intensive internet spying. In addition today there will be no shining American knight to come to the peoples rescue.
The ambitions of the European fascist states were more limited in scope and their setup was rather spur of the moment keeping them relatively local even though I'm sure Hitler was ultimately looking to control the world.
TPP will give elites through Obama almost total control of the economies and governments of most of the world. I am not clear about the implications of some countries such as Russia, China, N Korea, but enough to have very complete fascist control.
I have written before about my suspicion that Obama is planning to be the fascist dictator of the world based on some executive orders, the Patriot Act, self proclaimed rights of assassination, imprisonment without trial, intensive spying on all citizens and now TPP. What else can all these things be used for?
Obama should be wary of his position since the criminals putting him in that exalted position can just as easily take him out in whatever way they want if they tire of him. Obama is not dealing with with something as small as the Mafia it is much more like James Bond's SMERSH plus Mafia on steroids.
America is close to the tipping point of being a fascist dictatorship right now and TPP will likely be the last nail in our coffin.
I truly hope I am just being alarmist, paranoid or completely crazy but since I began intensively looking into the American political situation over 12 years ago my concerns have been remarkably accurate.
I also recommend a review of articles by Dr. Paul C. Roberts.