Dear Friends of Bernie,
It's easy to send letters to each and every superdelegate- it took me about 10 minutes using the site above. First, compose your letter- mine is below. Go to the site, and click on the first state- Alabama. Put in your information- you only have to do it once. Double lick on "select all", then send. Use the back button and go to the list for the next state. Very easy.
Here's the letter I sent this week:
Dear Fellow Democrats-
When the roll is called at the Democratic Convention, please vote for the most electable candidate- Bernie Sanders.
As of June 2016, Clinton's favorability rating is 39%, Sanders is 49%.
Many Sanders supporters have vowed to vote for the Green candidate, Dr. Jill Stein, rather than for Hillary.
Hillary is vulnerable to Trump's epithet of "crooked Hillary", because of the pending investigation into the Clinton Foundation. FBI Director James Comey refused to comment when asked if such an investigation is underway.
A new congressional letter circulating among lawmakers charges the William, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation is a "lawless, 'Pay-to-Play' enterprise that has been operating under a cloak of philanthropy for years." The letter calls upon the FBI, IRS and FTC to launch a "public corruption" investigation into the ties between Clinton Foundation donors and Hillary Clinton's policies as secretary of state.
Comey chastised Hillary for being "extremely careless in handling of very sensitive, highly classified information." This has not helped her election chances; in fact, her poll ratings have slipped at least 5%.
Hillary is only winning because of voter fraud, especially in California, NY and Arizona. A study by Stanford students revealed widespread primary election fraud favoring Hillary Clinton, in multiple states.
Aren't you tired of fraud and corruption? Bernie is clean. His many years in Congress, and his speeches, make it clear that he sees public office as a chance to serve the people, not to amass money and power for himself and his wealthy supporters. And the people appreciate it, and want him to be president.
He has overwhelming support among people 45 years and under- the future of the Democratic party. His plans will benefit our children.
Do what's best for the party and the country. Listen to your conscience, and vote for Bernie Sanders in Philadelphia.
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