Navigating Wikileaks: A Guide to the Podesta Emails
MAP to Wikileaks Podesta Emails
Version 14 " Updated (10/24/16)
SUPPLEMENT TO: Navigating Wikileaks: A Guide to the Podesta Email
DOWNLOAD: Podesta Map v.14 (10/24/16) (PDF)
The 8 digit number in the first four columns refers to the file number for the .eml email file. As explained in the main page of the Guide the file numbering scheme is based on the original mailbox of Podesta. The files are sequentially numbered in alphabetical order (with one identified exception noted below). The middle two of those first four columns are the lowest and highest number released. The outer numbers indicate the possible further range for this set (by letter of the Alphabet). The Total is the total number of email/files thus far released per set. If the left two are shaded in green it indicates that the lower limit has been established for the set. Similarly the red shading on the right two indicates the upper limit has been established. More information on this can be found in the first/main page of the Guide.The further numbers on the right hand side give an upper and lower estimate of how many emails are left per set.
NOTE: 36570
Begins with N for an Uber address, But is in the M order.
There is a 9 file discrepancy in the calculated data " 9 extra emails appear from the total. I am working on tracing the source of this but such a small number will not affect the usability of the data.
The data in this file has been updated to the 14th Podesta Email Batch released as of Friday October 21st. Tomorrow (10/25) this will be updated to include the latest three sets released over the weekend and today (15, 16, 17). Also look for analysis by email user (individual) per set (alphabetical) as well as by key actor (Coming beginning 10/25).
Main Guide: Navigating WikiLeaks: A Guide to the Podesta Emails By Charles Grapski
Prepared by Charles Grapski 10/25/2016 Page 1