Jim Turner Recalls Rumsfeld Meeting over Nutrasweet Toxicity Rumsfeld was heard to say by many, .I don't care how many people it [NutraSweet] kills, I want it on the market.. Consumer advocate attorney Jim Turner, who ...
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This article on methanol poisoning below mentions aspartame; as it points out, there are a significant number of deaths linked to this poisoning. But are the deaths from the moonshine from home brewed alcohol or has it to do with the bigger picture of methanol poisoning from aspartame?
Dr. Ralph Walton, who has done 2 studies on psychiatric effects of aspartame, wrote:
Notable that as a psychiatrist, Dr. Ralph Walton did two studies. He wrote: "By far the biggest contributor of methanol to the American diet is the artificial sweetener aspartame." One of his studies is:
The other one is on autism: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0306987715002443
He has
answered some of the misleading statements by industry and the Fatal
Drugs Allowed folks - the FDA. The FDA will tell you not to worry;
there is more methanol in oranges than aspartame.
Dr. Walton
has answered this statement with the truth of the matter. In nature like
in oranges, there is also ethanol which is an antidote to methanol
poisoning. There is no ethanol in aspartame. Furthermore, as Dr. Walton
has pointed out, in nature methanol binds to pectin and takes it out of
the body safely. Pectin is a soluble gelatinous polysaccharide that is
present in ripe fruits and is extracted for use as a setting agent in
jams and jellies.
Here is Dr. Woodrow Monte's article "Aspartame: Methanol and the Public Health" .mpwhi.com/aspartame_methanol_and_public_health.pdf This peer reviewed article also documents the real facts.
you were talking to Dr. Monte about methanol, probably the first thing
he would tell you is there is one molecule of methanol for each molecule
of aspartame consumed. End of story from that statement. Dr. Monte
rightly calls aspartame a killing machine. You're dealing with poison.
Remember there is no ethanol in aspartame to neutralize the toxic
effects of the methanol, which is in its free form and immediately
absorbed in the blood stream.
When Kings College in London did a
study on aspartame and brain tumors, Monsanto claimed aspartame could
not get in the blood stream so it couldn't cause brain tumors.
However, here are the indisputable facts:
aspartame manufacturer has ever answered this rebuttal. When the Safe
Foods people in Japan tried to get Ajinomoto to answer it, they said
since it was approved, they didn't have to answer and weren't going to
answer it.
Dr. James Bowen explains further about free methyl
alcohol and the blood stream: "Only after longer aspartame usage does
liver damage cause blood methanol levels to measurably rise because the
liver mitochondria are so damaged that the liver no longer quickly
processes either methyl or ethyl (drink) alcohol. Then the acute
methanol poisoning is directly measurable from lab results, as the blood
methanol level elevates. This entire sequence or "toxic axis" begins
with your very first dose of aspartame. Both acute and chronic
poisonings from this methanol toxic axis, and other additive and
synergistic aspartame poisonings, steadily accumulate in the aspartame
Aspartame is called a systemic poison because it can
affect every organ in the body. It's cumulative. Aspartame victim Joyce
Wilson of Stockbridge, Georgia was diagnosed by Dr. Morgan Raiford as
suffering from methanol toxicity. Another physician diagnosed it as
multiple sclerosis. She had her own organization warning others but she
died blind like an Alzheimer victim. Her husband Richard Wilson told
me, "It ravaged every organ in her body."
Here is the article
"Rotgut Aspartame: Methanol Mania" published by the National Health
Federation. It's the NHF who has fought at Codex exposing the dangers
of aspartame and constantly publishes on this ghastly subject. It's
very inexpensive to subscribe and keeps you updated on aspartame and
other dangerous chemicals.
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