In Kentucky's race for the Senate it's super elite interests versus Middle Class America. Mitch McConnell is one of those elite. There are 9.6 million millionaires in this country and 1.8 million Americans with $2 million or more in wealth. These folks mainly live in California, Florida and New York.
They look different and talk different than average Americans. They've never sat in a tree stand waiting for a buck to come along so they don't know the slow life. They eat fine cheeses and drink martini's. They live alternate lifestyles.
Kentucky is full of mainly middle class and poor families. These families have monthly payments on their vehicles and homes. For some they live in debt. They have no idea how good Mitch McConnell's buddies have it and it's not enough. They want more money, more influence with Congress, more money, more money and more money.
They travel in yachts and hire wait staffs to prepare their meals. In the competition between Alison Lundergan Grimes and Mitch McConnell, it's a no-brainer who will defend Kentucky families from the greedy voracious appetite of the billionaire class.
In the coming election it is important for liberals to talk about Republicans with these pejoratives. It draws a clear distinction between who benefits from Republican leadership and the middle class voters in Kentucky and elsewhere. Look at who benefits from free trade deals and Big Oil subsidies. It's a small elite crowd and they don't behave anything like average Americans and it's our duty to make that known.