Reprinted from Mike Malloy Website
So ... we have Michelle Duggar in a religious meltdown as she beseeches her god for help from the stresses of maintaining "19 and Counting." (Which has since been kicked off the air due to family sexual molestation ... issues.)
More? Okay. How about the pregnant couple who see a DEMON in her ultrasound image?! Shades of "Rosemary's Baby!" But, yup, there it was -- a DEMON! Of course, the only way to interpret the grainy image as that of a DEMON is, first, you gotta be a Christian. See, Christians know DEMONS. And the li'l buggers are every damn where! (There are several nesting in the White House! No? Just ask a Christian!)
More? "Bombing For Jesus." Yeah, that's correct.
From Mikey Weinstein -- the founder of Military Religious Freedom Foundation -- writing at Daily Kos:
"Today's United States Air Force is shockingly riddled with calculated, deliberate and willful ignorance as to what its actual mission is."Case in point: the constant, strident attempts by airmen to 'free range' proselytize the exclusivist dominance of the evangelical Christian fundamentalist faith. This author has long been hammering away at what clearly represents a bona fide national security crisis extant throughout the entirety of the United States Air Force in particular and the U.S. Armed Forces as a whole, whereby unchecked evangelizing activity is carried out on Uncle Sam's time and the taxpayer's dime. These rogue armed forces personnel are now legion in number. They, as well as senior USAF leadership, are brazenly unwilling to restrain their unbridled compulsion to use every opportunity under the sun to arrogantly and imperiously boast of the primacy of their personal 'walk with God' and to promote nonsecular, theocratic views as opposed to Constitutional ones. Indeed, their prime directive is to feed the fires of sectarian Christian supremacy and domination in the US military."
Keep in mind these Christian fanatics are in control of this country's thermonuclear missiles and know the codes to launch them. You know, just in case it becomes apparent that Jesus is on his way for real. And, of course, only a Christian will know exactly when that time arrives. There will be a piercing trumpet blast to signal the moment. 5 ... 4 ... 3 ... 2 ... 1 ...
More? You want more?
Tune in tonight.