I wish that all Christians would realize that Yeshuah ben Yoseph, also known as Jesus of Nazareth, prophesied about the day when all the nations would acknowledge the Holy One, the Great Spirit-Parent of us all -- and therefore strive to get along with their world neighbors and bring peace and justice to the world.
I wish that all Jews would realize that the Jewish prophets preceding Jesus prophesied the same thing, when "all nations" shall recognize God's glory and truth -- truth that we are all children of God, and Children of Light.
I wish that all Muslims would realize that the prophet Muhammad recognized the wisdom and truth of the Jewish prophets, and of Issa or Isha (Jesus), and wrote in the Qur'an that Jews, Christians and Muslims all believe in "the same God."
I wish that all rich people would realize that their wealth does not entitle them to rule, nor does it make them virtuous. In fact, vast wealth can and does corrupt even those who had been good, and it can cause their ego to use its powers of rationalization to the utmost -- even to the point where they come to believe that evil is good because they deem it so.
I wish there would be a spiritual awakening, and a New Enlightenment.
And those are not merely my wishes. Those are my prayers.