I urge readers to also object to lending credibility to the Fox network by giving them a seat.
White House Correspondents'
600 New Hampshire Avenue, Suite 800
DC 20037
202-266-7453 (v)
202-266-7454 (f )
Julia Whiston, Executive Director.
Do not give Helen Thomas' seat to FOX !
The are NOT news...they are a politically motivated racist organization who lie, distort and deceive viewers to promote a specific political agenda.
They have FCC complaints filed against them for using their "news" status contrary to federal rules against bias and distortion in the news. The recent scandals where Fox assisted in slander and personal attacks against blacks such as Shirley Sherrod, Van Jones and Acorn all indicate their inability to present news using accepted and honorable journalistic standards.
Putting FOX in that chair would be a black mark on your organization as it would amount to an acceptance of their extreme distortions as being the equal of your other distinguished members.
[ Add your name and fax or email from their web site http://www.whca.net/contact.htm ]