Dr. Wolman is a board-certified, Harvard educated psychiatrist practicing in Northern California. She has been studying collective consciousness about nuclear weapons for 35 years. T his is a sequel to NUKES, PROPHECY, AND THE WILL TO LIVE: http://www.opednews.com/articles/NUKES-PROPHECY-AND-THE-W-by-carol-wolman-MD-110412-737.html . Dr. Wolman was moved to write these essays in response to the Fukushima disaster.
The Fukushima reactors continue to spew out radioactive isotopes,
NATO and the US continue to use depleted uranium weaponry in Afghanistan, and now Libya. While depleted uranium is relatively harmless in solid form, when exploded it pulverizes into dust containing Uranium 238, which emits deadly alpha particles for 4 - BILLION years. These particles are breathed or ingested, and cause cancer, or enter the DNA. Two thirds of the babies born to soldiers who served in Gulf War I suffered serious birth defects.
And the threat of all-out thermonuclear war still hangs over us.
Homo sapiens is slowly nuking the entire biosphere, and poisoning the DNA pool.
We must reverse the process, now, if life on earth is to survive.
To stop using depleted uranium weaponry, get rid of nuclear weapons, and replace nuclear energy with renewable energy, will require international cooperation on an unprecedented scale. We haven't yet figured out how to remove radioactivity from the biosphere. We need to stop fighting with one another and instead, put our heads together to solve global problems.
World peace, NOW, is required for ecological sanity. Most people on the planet long for peace. 20 million people around the world marched for peace in February 2003, just before the invasion of Iraq .
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