Trump has given permission to those who scapegoat others and voice prejudice against racial, religious, or other groups, to express their negative feelings in words and deeds. Bullying and hate crimes are on the rise- over 1000 recorded since the election two months ago.
The antidote to hatred is love. LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR is a central message of most religions. Many of Trump's followers claim to accept Christianity, whose greatest law is LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR. It is also a key message of most other religions, including Judaism, Islam, Native American spirituality, etc.
LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR is about proximity only. It is not conditional on someone's race, sex, creed, sexual orientation, nationality, habits, life record.
I propose that we embark on a massive LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR CAMPAIGN- LYNC. This is a good way to defuse the hatred now sweeping our country, on both sides, as Trump's negativity arouses deep anger and fear among progressives and minorities of all sorts.
LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR CAMPAIGN (LYNC) would be easy to implement:
1) The message LYN can be put out silently and consistently via bumper stickers, buttons, billboards, social media- the list is endless.
2) LYNC is free or very inexpensive. The button shown above costs about $.30 when ordered in bulk.
3) LYNC requires little or no organization or strategy, any individual can make a sign or wear a button. It's very simple.
4) LYNC requires no great intellect- it's a message from the heart.
5) LYNC has the potential to go viral very quickly.
6) LYNC can be a great organizing tool- cities, transit lines, nonprofits, and lots of other organizations can have their employees wear LYN buttons.
Such a campaign would have many advantages:
1) LYNC is obviously a protest against the regime of hate.
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