Never before has the world seen so clearly the machinations of those who traditionally visit tribulation on others.
For five millennia they could remain cloaked in pious secrecy, able to inspire belief when they pleaded they were only allowed the dirty work of usury, and decently later lie that kings borrowed and so expelled them from their lands - not for their coin-clipping and grasping oppression of the populations, but because the kings did not want to repay.
But now we see, visible among us, their evident ceaseless burrowing into positions of power, where their constant lobbying and bribery and blackmail and maneuvering has brought them total control of our financial systems and our administration, with even our supreme judiciary bent to their control and our intelligence services subverted to become their enforcers and assassination squads. We see their deliberate destruction of our economy and society to produce in a single decade - of a supposedly free, independent and prosperous people - so many impoverished homeless wanderers in our formerly great land.
Now we can see for ouselves how their insatiable long-term ambitions have brought them power concentrated in individual corrupt politicians, who will do their slightest bidding to commit crimes of global proportions, with our military of "dumb, stupid animals to be used" as pawns for the application of their globalized foreign policy. Now we can see how their corporations can build them prison camps in our own countries and be given the power to fill them with uncooperative or dissident natives whom their captured media will then persuade the tamed and mindless rest to condemn as treasonous 'terrists'. Now we can understand what they did in Russia and how they did it.
Never before nor so flagrantly nor so credibly have they declared their aim of eliminating the rest of us by at least two-thirds - this reduction, by starvation and murder if necessary and guile if possible, of the four thousand million humans they deem 'unnecessary to the ecomony'.
Never before has the trashing of our children's education been so obvious, nor so blatant the corrupting of our youth with drugs, noise and pornography. Never before so evident the industrialized feeding and doping of our adults to be the passive consuming cattle that these rodent vermin have always called us.
Never before has the grip of their 'finance' been so evident, turning families to beggars, brother against brother, our virtuous girls to commercial trollops, bright children to noise-sodden acquisitive rebels, students to drug-sodden no-hope wrecks and our race of potential angels to a horde of depraved voracious apes.
As we watch, we well may no longer wonder who it was who whispered of Empire to Greek and Roman, or of gold and plunder to Genghis and Attila and Columbus. Well, via internet, history now tells us exactly who paid Cromwell and who gave - no, lent - Dutch William two million pounds in 1688 to take him with him into power in England. We see who blackmailed Wilson to slide into effect the pernicious Federal Reserve Bill. And before our very eyes we have recently seen for ourselves the virtuous persuasive activities of Wolfowitz and Perle, Rove and Rumsfeld and Bush and Cheney and the benefit of such subtle murmurings. And we see who is managing the media so adroitly to persuade us to accept these travesties of grace to enable them to accomplish such bestiality on innocents.
Then is it to be gallows or merely jail for these inhuman beasts? Oh, neither: rather untouched in world bank and academe and directorships for further evils. And we permit this? - Our outrage and resistance is made irrelevant? . . . Oh?
Irrelevant, eh? Where are those tumbrils? Where my ax?
Yes, we may even judge their own appreciation of their guilt when we see that Sharon, the former hero of so many, is still being maintained in 'a permanent vegetative condition'. They dare not let him die. If any of that damnation business just happens to be true they know what will happen to their hero, and they know therefore what should happen to them. They know that what they do is a proscribed evil, but does that stop them? Does it hell? No, nothing will stop them until, once again, we the common people rise and do what we must to survive.
So, when we have nominated our own representatives when necessary to represent us and our needs, rather than the corrupt and venal dummies presently selected and paid to pander to the whims of the financial overlords, when we have abolished their illusory tool of finance, as we must, and rooted out the influence of these vermin from among us, as we also must, surely there can be only one thing that, so wholeheartedly and effectively, we have to say in response to whether ever again to allow them any morsel of power and influence among us -
Never again. Never never never again!