No, really, clearly we don't understand everything. Oh, we can understand such trivial things as how the Universe works, but any fool can understand anything so simple. - Well, so long as they haven't been got at with conflicting theories of how it is and how it isn't, and how it might be and how it ought to be. Real Universe really cannot be simpler and more straightforward than it really it.
I mean, here is Universe, already complete from beginning to end, of which we are an integral part in its process of completion, so that to us it seems to be incomplete and in action. That is simple. All of it in its entirety is formed of just one material, whatever you want to call it, and what could be simpler than that?
But one thing in particular we just cannot understand, and so should not trust ourselves enough to stand under it, lest it all collapse on top of us. When space in the form of its compressed particles is further compressed by its concomitant force of gravity and forms spinning suns, and the debris spun off naturally in its equatorial plane forms bits of rubble, how come that some of the bug-forms evolving on the surface of some of these rocks, despite all their training by aeons of the practical world, turn out to be so incomprehensibly dumb - dumb in our good old American sense, that is, of purblind stupidity?
I mean, lion eats zebra, zebra is eaten - simple, avoid the lions. Hyenas eat whatever infant, sick or old of any other species, then whatever infants, sick or old of any other species are eaten: mind the hyenas, so nobody comes to much harm apart from the eaten, who themselves thenceforth are somewhat removed from the problem anyway.
But how come that there is a life-form so dumb that, having already undergone the long tortuous process of surviving every known form of peril and disaster, and therefore being perfectly equipped with every instinct necessary to survive, it consciously lets other members of its own species damage and cripple the majority of them, and rack them and swindle them and eliminate them ad lib to the eliminators' hearts' content? And they even like them and - for Heaven's sake - admire them!
How come?
Oh, it's easy to plead the stuff said eliminators put in their food and drink to pacify them, and if breathing some of the junk were not enough, even have them inject it, and the fact that they dumb down the children from infancy, which is why they had the wars to emancipate the women and make them work so they could also tax the female half of the population previously denied to them AND have access to the children from weaning onward, which is capture indeed.
Then you might cite the control they have of the media, by which to preach such soothing lies, and the laws they pass that forbid you from believing what your eyes and ears see and hear of them.
But then what about the instincts that provided the species such protection heretofore? Well, perhaps you might say that when they put one instinct in conflict with the others, one has to come out top-dog, and if they have done their homework and paid their researchers enough, then not only will they have persons in conflict with themselves, but, as proven, their porno will probably have top viewing, particularly if they've also paid enough for the lighting guy.
And then again, perhaps never before has there been a sub-species of a species, more or less identical to the rest in outward appearance, only inwardly perverted and vicious enough to so-benignly prey on the rest.
Be that as it may but here's the real nub of puzzlement. Humans break their bones and horses' necks chasing after harmless deer, kill most other animals and birds just because they are there, fish the seas dry of life because other humans will give them bits of paper for their catch, gladly and heroically kill each other or even innocent women and children just because other people say its a good idea each generation or so. Yes, they will commit all these murderous madnesses, but they will also quite gladly tolerate and even respect and reverence those who manufacture armaments and the wars to use them, who stunt their children's minds, who drug and degrade their bright youth, who pervert and manipulate their means of communication, who make industries of selling them food, drink and medicines that are clearly injurious to their health, and, worst of all, who inflict on them all, men women and babes, the worst drug of all which enables all the other ills: money. And not only that, they still cheerfully endure those malignant few even while they - as we plainly see - swindle and cheat them further to inflict its harm on them even more bitterly, locking them and their children into slavery for generations without foreseeable end but for the grave for each one of us.
So what I still don't understand really is this: with all this understanding of the subject, why don't we avoid them and all their deceits like the plague they obviously are? And how come the rest of us haven't at least tossed them and their corrupting trash out of the window long since, and for good measure fallen on the corrupt of our kind and those who manipulate them to such good effect in their interest and torn them limb from limb and devoured them. Especially when, in this case, the recommended method of sacrificing and preparing other animals for consumption guarantees that they themselves will be purely and absolutely delicious!
No, I don't understand everything. So perhaps neither I nor anyone else should stand under the whole staggering edifice of human existence in case it be already in the process of fall. Which might well be the case; unless, that is, the auto-immune system also supplied to the rest by those aeons of practical experience, immediately and without further notice, eliminate the so-obviously-evident threat. - Which should be easy.
Er, is that law still in place that forbids us from recognizing what we see and hear? Watch whether this article can still stroll unmolested through its customary haunts and dwell there so long as necessary without being asked to leave and hustled from sight.
Well, in that case, suppose we use this as a start to rid ourselves of them and their malignant influence forever.