Below is a message I sent exactly four years ago titled "Nothing new under the sun". It is poignant and its truths are even more relevant four years later and a year into the accelerated genocide ongoing in the Gaza Strip and now spreading to the West Bank. Below it I update you and answer the question of why the genocide continues but more importantly why this will bankrupt the USA!!!
======Begin 2020 message=====
The side-lining and even destruction of democratic forces in the so called democratic party started with appointing Joe "I am a Zionist" Biden against the clear primary winner (Bernie Sanders) and ended with the appointment of Kamala "I helped Israel" Harris as Vice President. President Donald Trump and his Zionist team announced normalization between the UAE regime (dictator Mohammad Bin Zayed) and colonial apartheid Israel. The more you feed monsters the hungrier they get. The trashing of international law and human rights accelerated with the Trump administration support of Israel's illegal actions in annexing the Golan Heights (Syrian territory) and Jerusalem (Palestinian) and telling Israeli leaders they can keep the Israeli colonies in the West Bank (illegal under International law). But please do not think as a result of the upcoming elections between Biden/Harris or Trump/Pense will bring a "new era". They are two faces of the same coin as CNN and Fox News both are Zionist flavors. The betrayal of Palestinians has been ongoing for over a century and that is why we have 7.5 million Palestinian refugees. We should recall the Faisal-Weizman agreement and King Saud's letter in support of Zionism (both in the first decade of the last century). We should remember the British Balfour and French Cambon declaration in support of Zionist colonization of 1917 (both approved by the US then). We should remember the fraud of 1948 when supposedly Arab leaders sent token soldiers to Palestine and instructed them not to fight. There is nothing new under the sun. We should remember the 1996 US Zionists document sent to then (as now) Israeli prime minister Netanyahu titled "Securing the Realm '' which talked about propping friendly dictators in the Arab world and destroying opposition from justice seeking countries. We should remember the (Zionist) neocons"Project for the New American Century" founded in 1997 which talked about toppling regimes in Iraq (happened in 2003) and in Syria, Iran (being pushed now) and any others. The "Abraham deal" like "deal of the century", "road map to peace" and hundreds of other schemes before them intend to liquidate the native Palestinian rights. But it is not just Palestinians who they want to sacrifice but also others. We note for example, the Zionist training of US Police Forces (supported by Kamala Harris) intends to sacrifice black lives and end movements for social and economic justice to benefit the ruling elites (Zionists and their stooges and friends in the billionaire class). All colonials and their lackeys do this. But we shall return, we shall live in freedom and the future of traitors and oppressors will be in the dustbin of history. Stay tuned.
US Senator Joe Biden on Israel. His handlers' choice Kamala Harris groveling and lying speech at AIPAC
===END OF MY 2020 message====
Yet, the craziness continues and now we have Trump vs Harris version 2.0 of deluding the US public that there is a choice of lesser of two evils. Both serving their handlers who push for racist genocidal wars with US Taxpayer money. Thus, Israeli ministry of defense report showed that since 7 October 2023, 50,000 tons of military equipment and bombs were received from the USA (tax payers' funded). These were transported through a supply chain that included 500 air cargos, and 107 ships. This is not including the recent approval of additional $20 Billion in military support approved recently which include 100 F-15I advanced fighter jets valued at $18.82 billion ($188.2 million per fighter jet). Meanwhile US public debt is $35 TRILLION or $104,000 per US Citizen. Much of this is due to wars done for Zionism ($3 trillion just for the war on the people of Iraq). Private and corporate debt are even higher. The US is operating on the easy printing of as much currency as the private/lobby controlled Federal Reserve decides and hoping the world continues to buy US debt and continues to trade in US $. China and Japan which hold 2 trillion of the US debt have actually cut their holdings by 15 and 17% from january 2022 to January 2023. Thus, the move away from the $ is ongoing and the end of US economic and military power is coming? Why and why the genocide continues? Much of the answer lies in the fact that there are literally hundreds of Zionist groups making money from it especially in the USA. Here are examples from hundreds (a myriad of entities not just APIAC, but WINEP and hundreds of others) Watch the film the Israel lobby didn't want you to see - The Electronic Intifada. Censored BDS and lobby reports exposed and nearly a million watched them Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein were spies who used underage sex to blackmail politicians, ex-handler claims Jeffrey Epstein And billionaire Les Wexner (of Limited Brands and Victoria's Secret): connexions to power and influence for personal gain and to serve their Zionist masters [why is US mainstream media all over these cases/where is investigative journalism?]
A relevant article I wrote two decades ago
Stay Human and keep Palestine alive
Mazin Qumsiyeh
A bedouin in cyberspace, a villager at home
Professor, Founder, and (volunteer) Director Palestine Museum of Natural History
Palestine Institute of Biodiversity and Sustainability Bethlehem University Occupied Palestine
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