Now, that I attracted your attention, do you see anything wrong with the pictures below? SPOILER ALERT FOR 'LOST'.
We have the infamous 'nipple incident' that created such a huge uproar in the U.S., so much so that Janet Jackson hasn't seemed to have recovered from the general outrage, and for a while there it looked like the entire American society was on edge because of one tiny bit of human flesh.
On the other hand, it's perfectly fine to show a person being murdered with an ax, in prime-time no less, on one of the most popular shows on television at the moment.
Lost - Season 6, Episode 5 (Feb 23) - Another One Bites the Dust (with an ax)
Yeah, that's wholesome family fare, all right.
Seriously, what's more 'dangerous' to our youth, here? A few seconds of a woman's breast, or this kind of violence? I certainly know what I'd rather my son was watching.