Facing a new election with little to run on but a questionable (to say the least) story of killing Osama bin Laden, and unable to inspire many independent bloggers to voluntarily defend the President's record of war mongering and record deficit, Obama's campaign team has created a position within its communications shop designed to provide "rapid response" to unfavorable stories on the net for "more aggressive engagement in the online world".
What this implies is that Obama's reelection team is planning to hire a trolls to lurk about the Internet and insert talking points into comment boards on blogs critical to the President and his policies.
Cass Sunstein must be proud. He once called for a similar strategy in confronting "conspiracy theorists" on the web.
According to an internal memo obtained by the Huffington Post f rom the White House:
"This week, Jesse Lee will move from the new media department into a role in the communications department as Director of Progressive Media & Online Response...For the last two years, Jesse has often worn two hats working in new media and serving as the White House's liaison with the progressive media and online community. Starting this week, Jesse will take on the second role full time working on outreach, strategy and response."
As Obama's team, and the rest of the entrenched government and media establishment, lose more and more ground in the information war and become more brazen in their contempt for the U.S. Constitution and the international community (most recently answering the War Powers Resolution deadline by bombing the hell out of Tripoli) they've struggled to hold back the growing flood of public outrage over the situation that Obama and his predecessor have led this country into. Having underestimated the will of many Americans who are using the Internet to commandeer the influence of the mainstream media and tell the truth, the machine is now trying to play a game of catch-up...like a demoralized occupying army attempting to mimic their more successful guerilla opponents, deep down lacking the moral high ground, and thus the motivational edge, to make it work.
Facts are facts. Obama has maintained the erosion of our civil liberties by reauthorizing the Patriot Act, has played games of semantics and legal twister in ignoring constitutional requirements for him to receive permission from Congress when it comes to waging war, gone back on his promises of closing Gitmo, hired lobbyists when he said he wouldn't, tortured Bradley Manning for exposing inconvenient truths about the war in Iraq, and committed the U.S. to more war by backing up rebels in Libya who are carrying out genocide, as well as maintaining the callous policy of slaughtering innocent Pakistanis with drone bombings and creating further hatred against Americans overseas
Along with that, Obama's foreign policy in Pakistan has also put our nation in a potentially precarious situation with China. Just last week, as a result of Obama's clandestine actions in Pakistan and the escalation of propaganda within the United States drumming up contrived outrage against that country, China issued an ultimatum to the United States telling the White House that an attack on Pakistan will be considered an attack on them.
The idea of a Nobel Peace Prize winner bringing us closer to World War 3 than we've ever been since the Cold War would be considered ironic if not for the fact that the Nobel Committee is just an extension of the same elite world fraternity that helped Obama get into the White House in the first place.
On top of his destructive foreign and domestic policies Obama has chosen to cling to the same destructive Keynesian economic policies that plunge the United States into its current mess, all at the expense of devaluing the dollar further and eroding the purchasing power of Americans' savings.
Obama offers nothing but empty campaign slogans and all out lies. If his hired trolls really want to know how to be successful in the information war here's some advice-- switch sides and start telling the truth. It may not get you free White House lunches, but it will make your job easier and you'll sleep better at night.