In a written statement President Obama claimed that even though he supports the NDAA as a whole, he has serious reservations about it, and doesn't like the parts of it that allow him to detain U.S. citizens indefinitely without trial. He goes on to promise Americans that he will never ever use it, arrogantly expecting the American people who have been burned by him-- a known liar, promise breaker, and mass murderer disguised as a statesman-- time and again to believe him. This is the same man who escalated George Bush's wars after promising to end them and created new ones (the latest withdrawal from Iraq is just the last stage in the process of conquering the country, and doesn't count the contractors that remain), the man who promised not to hire lobbyists and then hired them, the man who claimed to kill bin Laden but won't release any evidence to prove it, the man who was bought and paid for by Wall Street and then pretends to support the mostly well-meaning people who protest Wall Street's stranglehold over America.
He's also the president that, according to Democratic Senator Carl Levin, insisted that wording which protected American citizens from being subject to indefinite detention be kept out of the NDAA.
For argument's sake, let's say Obama really had "serious reservations" about the indefinite detention provisions in the NDAA and wasn't simply inserting this statement in a weak attempt to cover himself politically and dilute his role in the destruction of American freedom in the history books...why then would he sign it? The fact that he did shows just how unprincipled the man is, especially since what he uses to justify doing it are other provisions in the NDAA that help him execute America's unending war of terror that has turned the world against us...a war that has drained the treasury of the United States, eliminating money that could be used at home to keep Social Security afloat for those who paid into it.
Pretending that Obama really doesn't intend to indefinitely detain Americans (though he's already killed them), what does he have to say about future presidents whom he's now provided the legal cover to do so if they choose? The war of terror is unending and the next president will continue to wage it (unless it's Ron Paul). Obama-- a former constitutional law professor-- has broken down one of the strongest walls of constitutional protections we have for American citizens, attempting to add another a layer of whisper to the voices of most Americans who once felt free to criticize their government. Obama's words are nothing but static, his tongue laced with venom that tries to paralyze its victim with empty promises and statements of noble intentions when his actions prove otherwise. Though the time for politeness passed a long time ago, it's never been more apparent than now that the American people need to tell their president to simply shut up already and admit to us, and to himself, what he really is and what the agenda he is a part of amounts to. Obama has succeeded at nothing but dashing the hope of many Americans and further plunging our nation into the mires of a police state, laying the groundwork for more political and civil upheaval, and enabling the executive to destroy the lives of people in the United States in the same way it has done to people overseas. Respect for the person who holds the office of President is about as due now as respect for the person who holds the position of warden in a POW camp.
A push for Obama's impeachment would be a worthwhile endeavor if not for the fact that the majority of Congress is complicit in his crime, and will certainly protect him in order to protect themselves by closing their gates to the Americans who demand it.
While the media talks about protesters occupying pieces of land, the real story is that the United States government is occupied by cowards and tyrants overseeing the decimation of a once strong republic. They care nothing about the American people or protecting them, but simply seek to consolidate power and line their pockets at the expense of their constituents, working with the military industrial complex to make dollars flow on a river of blood and tie the wrists of those who attempt to dam it. No stroke of a pen can stop the will of the American people when they choose to rise, and the time do so is now. Unless this president or the next disavows and dismantles the police state, the American people must recognize themselves as only legitimate authority over their lives and do everything they can to undermine their government's attempt to enslave them. This especially includes people in the military and law enforcement, who must loudly assert their loyalty to the U.S. Constitution and dismiss the illegal orders of any dictator wannabe that manages to slither into the White House.
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"Don't Tread On Me" is not just a conservative statement, but one that encompasses any person who knows that they're free. It's time for liberals and conservatives to unite against the corporatists (fascists) who occupy our nation, and put the reigns of government back in the hands of well-meaning people once again.