Black Blockade by Cory V. Clark
Washington D.C. October 1, 2012
The crowd began to gather at McPherson Square at 6:30 A.M. while others still ran back to the Peace House to drop off their belongings, many of them having just arrived in town from New York and other places along the East Coast.
bright and early by Cory V. Clark
The march didn't step off until nearly 8 o'clock despite it
being scheduled to leave at 7 o'clock; however, when it did leave, it was done
with vigor.
Taking the streets right from the gate, without fear of police violence or arrest.
Whose Streets No Streets by Cory V Clark
We're starting
early with the shock and awe before the bourgeoisie can get their Starbucks.We're
starting early with the shock and awe before the bourgeoisie can get their
Starbucks. "We're starting early with the shock and awe before the bourgeoisie
can get their Starbucks," said a representative of the Anarchist Alliance.
Protesters led the police up and down several streets in a game of preplanned cat and mouse.
Catch us if you can by Cory V. Clark
Running down various side streets to get ahead of police and
to ensure that building Security didn't get a chance to lock or bar their
buildings doors before the protester had their fun.
This gave them the opportunity to enter several of their target buildings with little effort.
Whose lobby, the people's lobby by Cory V. Clark
"This march reinforced the idea for people that the governments and corporations should fear the people, not the other way around, we can come in your house whenever we want and there's nothing you can do about it, that we don't want you to do, you can't stop the power and will of the people," said Rusty Shackleford, a 25 year old Auto Mechanic.
F*@# Monsanto by Cory V. Clark
Protesters entered a number of buildings crowding into their
lobbies, not to commit violence but to have their signs displayed and disrupt business
as usual.
Employees of several lobby firms had to wait patiently until protesters clear themselves from in front of the building, or building security unlocked the doors and allowed them to enter.
"Civil Disobedience is necessary when the United States constitution is ignored, said Carl McClinton of the Progressive Black Caucus. " As long as we're not damaging property or harming individuals we should be allowed to protest anywhere we feel it necessary for our voices to be heard that's what our soldiers risked their lives for."
Storming The Bastille by Cory V. Clark
Protesters chanted various anti-Capitalist, anti-two part
system, anti- police, pro community, pro worker slogans gaining them the
respect, admiration and even the applause of many commuters.
There were no arrests on the march, nor any injuries. Police were relatively peaceful despite some overly zealous officers who manhandled protesters getting them out of buildings.
Abolish it all by Cory V. Clark
One woman went on the march despite having recently broken
her hip, slowing the march down toward the end, after leaving the last building
they had entered.
At the end of the march protesters took the intersection at 13 th Street and Pennsylvania Avenue holding for nearly twenty minutes, ending the first march of the day with the Electric Slide, a dance for Anarchy, and several speeches by various groups within the Occupy community including representatives from Occupy Wall Street, and the Anarchist Alliance.
Electric Slide for that Anarchy by Cory V. Clark
Police brought out an L.R.A.D. in order to make their
dispersal Announcements. Protesters pushed it up until the third dispersal order
was given before dispersing to Freedom Plaza for a bit of a cereal breakfast
and a teach in Anarchism and Direct Action.
Several other marches are planned for the day including a
demonstration at the United States Supreme court where they are hearing
arguments on whether or not corporations should be allowed to get away with
human rights violations, including murder and torture and a second tour of K
"We want total freedom and we won't rest until we have it, Government
never benefits the people, it only helps the few, any token aid, is merely to
keep the masses docile when they should be enraged," said Nancy of the
Anarchist Alliance.
In addition the final march of the day will be an Anti-All
Party System March that is scheduled to begin at 7:30 P.M. stepping off from
Freedom Plaza.
You can't stop the protester by Cory V. Clark
Resisting the zombie Apoclypse by Cory V. Cla
Shut Down K St by Cory V. Clark