(Article changed on January 22, 2014 at 16:17)

Martin Luther King Jr. and Ralph Abernathy in St. Augustine, FloridaOwner: State Library and Archives of Florida
(Image by State Library and Archives of Florida) Details DMCA
Listed below for the readers interest are OpEdNews published articles since 2007 written by jay janson. The theme of many of these articles is the perfidy of corporate owned mass-media's effusive praise for the same Martin Luther King Jr. it vilified during the year before his assassination.
The mainstream media vilification of King as a traitor followed King's world shaking sermon "Beyond Vietnam - a Time to Break Silence." Quotes from the sermon appeared in newspapers all over the world the next day. Headlines most usually in bold and large letters read, "King Calls US the Greatest Purveyor of Violence in the World Today."
For more than four decades, media conglomerates, which control ever more closer to a hundred percent of news and information have deceived its captive audiences with an insincere purposeful attention blanketing ostentatious heralding of King as if they had not, during his last year alive, viciously attacked him, slandered him and pilloried him mercilessly, successfully diminishing his popularity among most clergy and congregations and even some civil rights leaders, who would continue to be silent about the terrible loss of life in Vietnam in spite of King's thundering "Silence is betrayal."
In a second sermon, "Why I Am Against the War in Vietnam," as well as in "Beyond Vietnam", King spoke to neither the government he had dismissed as a "purveyor of violence,"nor elected officials. King held America and Americans, including himself, responsible for the atrocity wars and covert genocide for being fully capable through non-participation, non-support, non-acquiescence and conscientious objection to make them unacceptable and inoperable.
On King anniversaries the whole war establishment has its media swamp unending highlighted praise of King's "I Have a Dream speech" to the exclusion of even a bare mention of his "Beyond Vietnam a Time to Break Silence" given four years later, in which King spoke to the enemies of his "Dream." I knew that America would never invest the necessary funds or energies in rehabilitation of its poor so long as adventures like Vietnam continued to draw men and skills and money like some demonic destructive suction tube."
King condemned "atrocity wars" and covert genocide and gave a detailed history of US crimes in Vietnam and overt and covert violence on three continents in maintenance of unjust predatory investments. Among the many quotes chiseled on his monument in Washington D.C. there is of course not one word from the sermons condemning wars for predatory investments that a more an older and worldly aware King gave during the last year of his life. On King's holidays, any reference to the wars ongoing, which are a continuation of the wars of King's day, are carefully avoided.
jay janson, collaborated with peoples historian Howard Zinn's encouraging all activists to quote from the rich in basic meaning passages in King's Beyond Vietnam sermon, and founded with former US Attorney General Ramsey Clark, the King Condemned US Wars International Awareness Campaign in continuance of Howard Zinn's intention.
MLKJr. & Acceptable Killing of Children by Air Strikes in Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia
What if the heartbreaking photo had instead been that of an AMERICAN father clasping his dying infant son to his chest staring vacantly into the camera, holding an AMERICAN child with shrapnel wounds. Amoral Mr. & Mrs. America approve sending terror under the American flag! MLK Jr said, "Every man of humane convictions must protest." Its easy. Just quote King! We need his moral leadership.
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Rev. King Jr. Re: U.S. Extermination Programs and 1/2 Humanity living on $2 a Day
An Anglo-American terror tactic of extermination is traced up to present indiscriminate air strikes in Iraq, Afghanistan and Somalia stopping off at genocide in Vietnam to quote MLK Jr., who is also quoted regarding capitalism's horrendous effect on most of the non Western world, making a breeding ground for communism then and today's savage suicide bombing reaction to the brutal violence of the superpower over control of oil.
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A Letter to the FCC re the Same Media War Promotion King Fought
Dear Rev. Dr. Martin Luther Jr., we are still watching the same war mongering on television as when you were with us, but we are much more zeroed-in on the fact that only deceitful conglomerate media programming makes wars possible by first making war acceptable. Here is what media has been doing to us. Here is how we are finally filing complaints with the FCC in your style and in your name by phone, fax, mail and e-mail.
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The Silence of Clergy Today versus Rev. King's "Silence is Betrayal!"
At the polls, citizens have finally expressed themselves against the war in Iraq. Candidates and incumbents feel the need to call for an end to the war. But we rarely hear even a peep from Clergy. Is this for its observing the doctrine of 'Separation of Church and State' or because the Church has become BOUND to the State and SEPARATED from its faith?
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MLK Assassination Anniversary Unnoticed, Useful Today
A Memphis jury's verdict on December 8, 1999, in the wrongful death lawsuit of the King family versus Loyd Jowers "and other unknown co-conspirators," found that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated by a conspiracy that included agencies of his own government. Read UN Ambassador Andrew Young testimony. put King's condemnation of U.S. wars to use today as 'peoples historian Howard Zinn does in his radio interviews!
Dems, Bush, Fear Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.' Words! Shake 'em Up! Quote King!
The third article in the series which appears on the 15th of each month exhorting peace and justice activists to follow the example of Howard Zinn, who, in radio interviews quotes Martin Luther King Jr.'s strong condemnations of U.S. murderous war policies and the use of its military throughout the third world to support inequitable and oppressive trade arrangements. Send King's words to Dems backing the Iraq occupation!
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King's Anguish versus Our Apathy Then and Now / Quote Rev. King
Passages from King's "Beyond Vietnam", if widely known, would be enough to make network entertainment/news current promotion of both Vietnam and Iraq military ventures as glorious look ridiculous at best or dastardly otherwise. King spoke firstly to the foreign lives so wantonly taken in the destruction of their homelands. That the 15th of each month be "Quote MLKjr Day" for peace and justice activists.
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