editor's note: a tongue in cheek Op-Ed discussing some actual stats, offering opinions that OEN does not necessarily agree with.
In a stunning, industry defying display of editorial leadership and membership vitality, the progressive web blog, Op Ed News, now has twice as many readers than it did at the beginning of the year. This has occurred at a time when the mainstream media has seen its audience significantly reduced, since Donald Trump's leaving office. The Washington Post reports that CNN has lost 45% of its primetime viewers in the past 5 weeks alone (Massive Drop in Media Viewership). Even the number of unique visitors to fellow progressive web blog the Daily Kos is off by about 20%.
But, according to the widely watched web site ranker, Alexa, Op Ed News has made astronomical gains, even in the, boring-Biden, post-Trump era. (Alexa OpEdNews)
When asked how to explain this phenomenon, Editor-in-Chief, Rob Kall decisively replied, "Meryl Ann might know."
This observer generally attributes the surge to a months-long campaign to rid the site of its reputation as being "quasi-conspiracy." Under the bold, visionary leadership of Mr. Kall, during this period he instituted clear, concise guidelines for posting articles, requiring documentation from reputable sources. While the new rules were met with a God-awful hew & cry among those who found such measures an infringement of their constitutionally protected right to say "whatever we damn please!" regardless of whether it has any basis in reality, whatsoever. the new policy has seemed to significantly enhance the site's standing among the actually rational.
Also contributing to the astounding leap in the site's popularity, is its offering of a more varied content than is generally seen on the typical, progressive newsblog. OpedNews often features book and film reviews, essays on science and religion as well as an unusual helping of poetry. Noted poet John Hawkins has, for example, literally inundated the site with well over 200 sonnets since becoming an OEN contributor just a few months ago. And, Editor Kall gives the poems the exact same visibility, as he does the stuff people actually care about.
While all this may help to explain the miraculous good fortune OpEdNews is currently enjoying, there would still seem to be something else no one has quite been able to put their finger on, to more fully account for this bona fide, media anomaly.
When asked if he might offer any further insight, Mr. Kall (clearly medicated due to a nasty fall earlier this year) said," What website?"
(Article changed on Apr 08, 2021 at 9:37 AM EDT)
(Article changed on Apr 08, 2021 at 9:46 AM EDT)