The Choice Americans Face Could Not Be Clearer.
difference between progressives and conservatives is progressives work
toward the common welfare of all using the resources of those that
accumulate resources to the benefit of no one but themselves (and they
don't even use them for much of that since they just sit on those
resources for the most part) and conservatives work toward protecting
the interests of those that accumulate resources for the benefit of no
one but themselves and deplete the resources available for the common
welfare in building the military-industrial complex and sustaining a
financial industry that sucks the middle class dry and keeps the poor
Conservatives are sick in their heads, inhumane and
lacking compassion of any kind. They give to charities as a way of
relieving their guilt because unlike progressives they never otherwise
lift a
finger to help their fellow human beings. Conservatives are
contemptible and do not deserve the confidence of the consenting
governed. Unfortunately, too many people are convinced that they are
just one lottery jackpot or good turn of events in their lives from
joining the rich and will buy into what the conservatives offer
believing conservatives will protect their freedom to make poor choices
and progressives will not.
Yet, it is progressives that allow the
greater freedom by ensuring everyone is provided with the essentials to
live productive, happy lives and the opportunities to explore whatever
path an individual chooses to take. Progressives aren't out to screw
anyone. That is not to say that politicians on the left do not become
corrupted and look after their own interests. It is the nature of the
duopoly that we allow in our country rather than creating political
rules that permit a wider range of choices among candidates and the
adoption of
money as a substitute for grass roots campaigning.
Rid ourselves of
those two influences on our political system and everyone would truly
have options to choose from at each election and the common welfare
would reign supreme under a progressive government. This is all common
sense and designed to provide the greatest good to the greatest number
of people. It is the root of our philosophy of government that we have
destroyed over the decades in the pursuit of quick gain and personal
satisfaction over patriotic and caring values. We are at a point in our
history where we must awaken all Americans to these truths and turn to a
more enlightened path or face the extinction of the republic.
We must
be reborn in the ideals that created this nation or go down in flames to
an authoritarian and undemocratic regime. That is our choice at this
moment in time.