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OpEdNews Op Eds    H3'ed 8/18/20

PATRICK LAWRENCE: Huawei, Tik Tok, WeChat And Other Handy Targets

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Patrick Lawrence
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From Consortium News

President Donald Trump discusses national economic indicators, Saturday, Aug. 15, 2020, in Bedminster, N.J.
President Donald Trump discusses national economic indicators, Saturday, Aug. 15, 2020, in Bedminster, N.J.
(Image by (White House Flickr, Joyce N. Boghosian))
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The Trump regime is taking Huawei, Tik Tok and WeChat, three accomplished Chinese technology and social media companies, straight to the wall now, either banning them from the U.S. market or, in the TikTok case, forcing its owner to sell its U.S. assets to an American company. On Saturday President Donald Trump announced that there's more of this coming.

"We're looking at other things. Yes, we are," he said during a White House encounter with reporters. These other things reportedly may include Alibaba, China's top-performing e-commerce company.

There is always more coming as we follow the exploits of Mad Mike Pompeo, our faux-Christian secretary of state, who is full tilt these days in his persecutory campaigns against the various Beelzebubs that obsess him, China, Iran, Russia, and Venezuela highest among them.

Why is the regime so busy these days on the foreign policy side? The president, being a man of business, prefers to escalate economic and trade tensions as best he can. Pompeo, whose understanding of anything other than "end times" warfare is limited, can manage no more than his inhumane efforts to starve and threaten those on his list of Satanic evildoers. What is the running theme?

It is time to connect various dots. In the connections we find our answer.

Look at the list: China, Iran, and Russia are all emergent non-Western nations whose steady rise to prominence is already altering the U.S.-led global order, if order is our word; in time they will inevitably play leading roles as it is replaced with what can be properly named a new order. Venezuela is not so far along as these others developmentally, but it belongs on the list nonetheless.

Justifications Abound

We are treated to all sorts of justifications for American policy against these nations. The Chinese technology companies are threats to national security. The Iranians are state sponsors of terrorism. The Russians are aggressors. The Venezuelans repress their people and the leadership deals in drugs.

Nonsense straight across the board. There is no evidence whatsoever of the Chinese tech companies colluding with Beijing to compromise the U.S. The U.S., not Iran, has sponsored more terrorist groups in the Middle East than you've had hot dinners. The U.S. presses hard against Russia's western flank and calls the Russians aggressive for defending it. The Venezuelan government offers its people a benignly mild iteration of socialism and they welcome it. Utter contempt for the American press, the government-supervised New York Times in the lead per usual, for sustaining these disgraceful, damaging cases of disinformation.

My conclusion: We are entering upon an era when the U.S. (supported in many cases by the more spineless of its Western allies) is actively attempting to suppress non-Western nations that do not bow to U.S. primacy in any field wherein they make themselves genuinely competitive.

If we accept that parity between West and non-West is the No. 1 imperative of our century, as your columnist has severally asserted, confining these nations to the lower rungs on the development ladder has to be judged a losing proposition. It is also dangerous. We can also conclude that the policy cliques in Washington either (1) do not understand the historic turn that is upon us, or (2) they understand this perfectly well but are determined to preserve Western hegemony for a final few decades before a more equitable world order sends it into the history books.

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Patrick Lawrence is a columnist, author, editor, and educator. He has published five books and currently writes foreign affairs commentary for Consortium News and other publications. He served as a correspondent abroad for many years and is (more...)

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