I just read Op Ed's article at:
America - An "Undeveloping" Country? by Chaz Valenza, which gave me much thought.
Do not sit back in apathy and end up being a feudal serf. Our savings have been stolen by the elites, we are facing either a "double dip" recession or at best a very slow and incomplete recovery. We owe more on our houses than they possibly can bring at sale, or often we loose our homes or don't have one to start with.
We have a huge poverty class that is enlarging. One in six children suffers prolonged hunger and malnutrition. Teachers are being laid off to pay for wars of empire building so the elite can sell goods to the government and steal the ravaged country's oil and minerals.
Thousands of poor residents of atlanta were clamoring for a piece of paper that would put them on a waiting list for housing that was not available. And all the while we have more decaying homes held by banks after eviction of their residents than ever since the depression.
As a aside, I have problems seeing how an eviction helps anyone because the owner is now homeless, the bank has a home that will fall apart and devalues the neighborhood and at best will make some investor happy to by a home on the evicted's money.
Plans for renewable energy are being disregarded and miserably underfunded so oil companies can sell the last drop of the stuff that is polluting the worlds food supply and air. When we needed an atomic bomb there was a big push and we had one. It could be the same for energy.
Oil is the reason for the rapid CO2 rise that is causing climate change more rapidly than ever in recorded history. Much of the mainstream media keeps presenting the heat, the cold, the storms, the floods, the record weather as something that is just amazing. Reputable scientists who have devoted their lives to climate research and who have nothing to gain by their positions are being ridiculed by our elected leaders who couldn't pass a kindergarden final and by theirFOOLISHand arrogant antics probably dooming civilization to a horrible end. Still all I see is apathy: God will save us. What if this is God's warning? What if we are wrong?
Middle class retired people like myself whio thought we had planned well for retirement now see prospects of a major decrease in living standard because our savings and asset values have been stolen,yes stolenby the greedy ultra rich who manipulate the rules and call it capitalism while we watchthem increase their $50,000,000 annual salaries for doing nothing but finding ways to steal from the poor and soon to be poor (us,the apathetic middle class).
Communism promised a utopia where all lived in peace, all worked for the common good. What a great plan! Too bad it didn't work, produced greedy tyrants and created masses of poverty.
Capitalism promised a utopia where all lived in peace but where one reaped their own rewards by hard work. What a great plan! Too bad it didn't work. It produced greedy ultra-rich elites and masses of poverty and willforce a tyrannical government to control the have-nots.
The new transformation of capitalism is called corpocracy,corporatocracy, ,plutocracy or fascism.oligarchy or fascism.
In this country for many years following WWII we have had a mix of capitalism and socialism that served us well. The WPA, the TVA both very socialistic but they gave us a start. We have had the rich and poor but never the spread of wealth or the rapid change we see now. All of us seem to appreciate the police, the fire dept., the military, public education, state universities, government research, the VA and many of us are grateful for Medicare which isn't socialistic but the payment is.
Capitalism has given many incentives to produce and do great things. Why can't we make it work? On health care payment Obama wanted a uniquely American plan. Some have said we don't want to end up like Canada, Sweden or Denmark.
Where have these completely uninformed, misinformed sages been? Why do we have to reinvent the wheel? Why can't we start with a proven system and make it better? I think I know. The elites and their hired congressmen don't want to spoil their terrible con on America and plan to milk it to its doom.
What about Sweden, Denmark, Canada etc.?These countries are not at war destroying and killing. They have the highest standards of living on the Planet. They are the most educated and healthiest people on earth and have much less spread between the elite and the poor.
Yesterday, on The Ed Show, Heidi Harris, self proclaimed wise person an arch conservative said that the US has the Worlds best health system. Clearly the only way to have this conclusion is to use your own facts. As a healthcare insider for fifty years I know that we haveonlythe potentialfor a great system. Our system overall produces very poor results and at great expense.
When will the apathy be over? When will we act? Folks, we are in serious and rapid decline brought on by the very ignorant fools we have elected..
From seeing the polls I am very pessimistic.
Seventy four old retired physician, Veteran of the US Navy in the Vietnam era, markedly opposed to the futility, waste and brutality of our wars for the riches of the elite. I want America back as futile as that aspiration is.