Turkish Governments are not allowing media to cover the war between Turkish forces and PKK Kurdish forces in Turkey. Here is one video released by PKK forces for the public to see.
Turkish Governments are announcing once in a while that they will finish PKK forces in one month and after a few months they are repeating the same announcement.
PKK forces are increasing daily and they have thousands of young Kurds (men and women) ready to die for Kurdish people freedom. In the past PKK forces were active only during warm weather because of heavy snow on the mountains of the Zagros ranges. But now they are well trained and capable of fight Turkish forces year-round.
PKK forces are gaining the power to Bomb Turkish bases anytime and anywhere in Kurdistan, from the Black Sea to Iran and Iraq borders.
Barzani tribe brought Turkish forces to the Kurdistan Regional Governments of Iraq (KRG) region to fight PKK forces in Iraq. PKK forces and Iraqi Kurdish people forces loyal to Abdullah Ocalan teachings are going to fight Turkish forces in Iraq from now on.
Kurdish people in the KRG region of 'former Northern Iraq' are demonstrating daily against the Barzani and Talabani mafia families illegal rules. Barzani and Talabani mafia families lost 51% of the KRG region to Iraq in Oct-2017. They are ruling without any legal bases and they are using the mafia militia forces (known as Peshmerga) to kill tens of Kurdish people demonstrators and injuring hundreds of them.
The Barzani and Talabani mafia forces killings are pushing more Kurdish people to join the teaching of Abdullah Ocalan to be liberated from the mafia families.
The leader of the 'Tevger Azadi of Kurdistan', the political party based on the Abdullah Ocalan teaching in the city of the Sulaymaniyah-Iraq is on hunger strike in the mafia forces of Talabani's prison.
'Tevger Azadà ® of Kurdistan' is legally permitted by the Iraqi Governments but Barzani and Talabani mafia families are not recognizing by Iraqi Governments laws.
New protests in Iraqi Kurdistan as residents seethe at authorities
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