How much more embarrassment can Senator McCain take?
He has willingly allowed the failed bottom dwellers from the White House, invade his campaign and in doing so has traded honor for ambition. These minions of deceit are trashing him and his campaign and I feel he may never recover from the dumpster they have placed him in.
They destroyed his one chance for the Presidency in 2000 with dirty tricks and swift boat attacks and now they are destroying him.
They truly despise this man, and now have brought him to his knees in 2008. They have portrayed him as a foolish old man, frantically running from issue to issue grasping for headlines to catch Obama off guard. A poll-driven gadfly making vain attempts to revise and extend his remarks daily.(Nobody is buying his puerile definition of the "Fundamentals of the Economy.) It was so odd to see him let these vipers usurp his honor in the most belittling ways. He sold honor for campaigning and it weighs heavy on his shoulders as we see him stoop lower and lower every day.
They knew the brave Achilles' weaknesses and now they have made their little man heel. Now they have exposed his true character in all its dishonorable and ill-tempered glory. A vindictive curmudgeon who holds women in low esteem, noted by remarks about rape and his disgusting comments about his wife that he wrote in a book for all history to see.
How humiliating for McCain to be denied his own choice of a running mate, and be forced to take a runner-up broadcaster hopeful, as a refuge for his age. A backwoods phony for a trashed campaign.
They have chosen an uninformed and unprepared far right wing Religious zealot to be his running mate and she has made him a laughing stock in the eyes of not only America but the eyes of the world. It matters little to her, for in her hubris driven ambition, like the dark queen, she dares not look in the mirror. This right wing affront to women, thinks she is hustling America with backwoods sleight of hand when in reality she is a parody of the ignorant snake oil sellers of the past. She is offering the apple of sleep to a public that is wide awake and wary of these right wing shenanigans, and she thinks she is fooling us. It would be funnier than it is if not for the consequences of this election cycle.
Mr T. once said "I pity the Fool". Well I can forgive but pity is not in my blood. There has been to much blood shed in these last 8 years and I want it to end.
p.s. the vote is the antidote. These last 4 weeks will be gruesome but the patient can heal.