History gives us reminders. Complacency is the strength that people share who desire nothing else than to be left alone to live their lives and raise their kids. Such complacency can't go unrewarded by those who would exploit such innocence. So greed, ultimately married to politics, is born.
That's the extra straw that's placed upon the Camel's back. Those whose exploitive needs must be rewarded at other's expense always cross the boundaries of good taste, manners, common consideration, and if those fail, they will not hesitate to employ other means to force conformity. And so, as the French Revolution attests, such parasitic entities are sometimes removed from the "course of human events."
The American Revolution pried loose the grip of King George upon the Colonies. George objected. British troops were sent in an attempt to support the King's folly. They met with disaster for there is no force on earth that can change the desires, the hopes, the dreams and the ultimate rage when such attempts are made.
Over 200 years later the threat is back. It will never go away because people, all over the world, want nothing more than to live their lives and raise their kids, and those who would exploit such innocence are reborn, generation after generation and as ambitious as always, until it must be accepted that any society, defined as a group of people who care about one another, may ever be rid of them.
But breaking their parasitic chokehold on people, who have been convinced they should trust them, is never easy. But when the parasites go too far, and the complacency of the populace erupts in anger and outrage, the cycle begins anew. Then it is that the quiet stones of the dead are counted against the price of being free of the parasitic entities who, to their last breath, will swear to their allegiance of whatever may gain them more time.
David Sirota writes, "and so are we to see, again, tyranny's hideous image within our midst: It's not a tightly cropped mustache in a beige uniform; it's a clean-shaven baby face in a suit -- a rodeo clown with a chalkboard who unfortunately speaks for modern-day conservatism." Mr. Sirota is referring to Glenn Beck. A Right Wing Rupert Murdoch creation, who is willing to project his ignorance and hate for a fee. Beck's insane tirades follow the same propaganda formula that proved so valuable to Hitler and his pawns, the German people. Millions of Americans, hanging on every hateful, counter-productive word, salute Glenn Beck as a hero.
World War II condensed the United States into a single indomitable will. A miracle, such as the World had never witnessed, awoke a giant. A collective will demonstrated to all humanity the ultimate meaning of United. Germany overwhelmed one nation after the next until realizing, with the sinking feeling of the damned, their unspeakable crimes were the products of fantasy. Germans, with their blue-eyed Arian nonsense, murdered millions of young men. Many of those young were their own, and many more were not. The Holocaust shocked the world. How could the mother and fathers of sons and daughters allow such atrocity?
Americans, a little over 50 years later, have completely forgotten the price their sons paid to put Germany and Japan in their place. They have allowed their nation, with their enthusiastic approval and complacency, its division into polarized camps.
The parasites have bought the politicians, that posing as representatives, have now become employees of the banks, their insurers and the credit default, bundled derivative con artists who know their employees will open access to the National Treasury when they stumble again.
What's this got to do with Germany, Camels, a King's folly, parasites, World War II and how Humpty Dumpty could not be put together again? Not a damn thing. It's only the hopeless and unreasoning inability to recognize that crossing the street requires a certain awareness to avoid being crushed.