...or, perhaps, evil is as evil says. I leave it to you to apply the correct ammusing platitude.
Over the past two days pearls of wisdom have rained down upon us from on high in the form of Champagne quotes spilled from the balconies of the 1% wetting the heads of we peons below.
As those who would like the Occupy Movement to just go away bask in the darkness of violent midnight crackdowns on encampments in several major cities, the beleaguered wealthy finally feel free to offer their two cents. Let, the stupid hour begin!

Wall Street Mocks Protesters By Drinking Champagne 2011
(Image by Alien Disclosure Group UK StephenHannardADGUK's Channel) Details DMCA
"From the beginning, I have said that the City had two principal goals: guaranteeing public health and safety, and guaranteeing the protestors' First Amendment rights. But when those two goals clash, the health and safety of the public and our first responders must be the priority." November 15, 2011New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg after ordering the NYPD to evict Occupy Wall Street in the dead of night, barring all media including press aircraft, destroying the protester's library of thousands of books, allowing police to use their batons and pepper spray to move things along, and arresting some 70 non-violent protesters in a city with 75,977 violent crimes in 2010, including 866 murders and 2,771 rapes and a infant mortality rate that is twice has high as Hong Kong and 22% higher than Cuba.
"If you believe in right [sic] of the first amendment to free speech then you demonstrate it by shutting up and waiting until the Q & A session right after. You can get in line and ask a question." November 15, 2011
Karl Rove, former chief political adviser to President George W. Bush, responding to a "People's Mic" interruption when speaking at Johns Hopkins University.
"We're touching the same doorknobs." November 15, 2011Linda Gerstman, 40, referring to the protesters. She called the financial district in which she resides "The Barricaded World," She is oh so put upon, while stating she was grateful for the city's action of ridding the area of Occupy Wall Street.
"The president believes it's up to New York and other municipalities to decide how much force to use in dealing with Occupy Wall Street demonstrations." November 15, 2011Paraphrased from press conversations aboard Air Force One with White House spokesperson Jay Carney who elaborated that the President hopes the right balance can be reached between protecting freedom of assembly and speech with the need to uphold order and safeguard public health and safety. I believe Syria is currently operating under similar rules of engagement.
"Okay, so the good news is that the cops have finally liberated Zuccotti Park from the Occupy army, occupation army of these lousy hippies, thieves, rapists, purse snatchers, muggers who were camped out there. The bad news is that they're now back out on the streets. And in New York who's gonna notice the difference?"How much do you want to bet that most of these protesters are glad Bloomberg finally kicked 'em out and that the judge is letting the rules be enforced? This way all of these protesters can move back in with their parents without losing face now. They can still go back home as heroes." November 16, 2011
Rush Limbaugh, on his radio machine, no further comment necessary.
"The understanding of the Occupy Wall Street crowd of what makes our country work is probably fairly limited. It's a very simplistic view of things. No one will ever know what would have happened to our country and our whole global financial system if AIG had been allowed just to go down." November 16, 2011.
American International Group Inc. Chairman Steve Miller, who joined the bailed-out insurer's board in 2009. AIG made hundreds of billions of dollars of derivative bets insuring other Wall Street firms against the possibility of a mortgage market meltdown. His company, a top insurance firm, didn't have the funds to payoff on these "policies" who, as astute underwriters, they sold for pennies on the dollar of coverage.
"Encampments in major cities, including Washington, DC, are not only a nuisance, a health hazard and an embarrassment [sic] to thinking Americans, they are increasingly becoming violent..."Yet the mainstream press, which villainized [sic] the Tea Party movement, after long ignoring it, flagrantly idealizes the Occupiers and ignores the damage and ugly crimes happening in most places where an occupation is in progress...
"May God protect those who live nearby and must encounter these raucus [sic] groups. May God harvest souls for Christ from among them just as He did discontented youth in the Jesus Movment [sic] of the 60's and 70's." Recently.
Family Research Council requesting their members pray for the Occupy movement to please die.