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People Worldwide Will Soon Demand Americans Stop Planning Nuclear War Endangering Us All!

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Jay Janson
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How strange that no one has been demanding Americans explain why they are preparing & planning for war, nuclear war, with Russia and China, when the detonating of nuclear weapons would endanger everyone in the world, even possibly end all life on Earth.

Associated Press, July 27, 2017, "The US Pacific Fleet commander said on Thursday he would launch a nuclear strike against China next week if President Donald Trump ordered it, and warned against the military ever shifting its allegiance from its commander in chief." (Interestingly, China has never threatened the USA, but the Chinese never forget an American army sacked Beijing in 1900, killing a lot of Chinese and before 1949, US Military and financial aid to the Nationalists fighting against the Chinese Revolution caused a greater loss of life that would have happened otherwise.)

In the threatening parlance of arrogant USA exceptionalism, American military officials frequently warn on prime time telecasting by satellite with world wide reach, 'All options are on the table!' read 'The lives of all of us are on the table.' Life on Earth is at the discretion of pompous soulless American government officials acting as directed by a powerfully wealthy elite of speculative investors intent on maximum capital acquisition outside the boundaries of law, mercy and sanity.

Washington's threats against Russia and China came into the open in

January when it published a new National Security Strategy, dropping the pretense that it was waging a "war on terror" and naming Russia and

China as targets. Presenting the document, US Defense Secretary James

Mattis branded Russia and China as "revisionist powers" threatening a

US-led world order and said "great power competition, not terrorism, is

now the primary focus of US national security." Amid NATO threats, Russia launches largest war games since World War II in World, by Alex Lantier, CounterCurrents, Kerala, India

Russia launches biggest war games since Cold War with more than 300,000 troops. Thousands of Chinese and Mongolian service personnel will also be involved in the Vostok 2018 drills, set to include "massive" mock airstrikes and the testing of cruise missile defense systems.

September 11, 2018, The Independent, UK

"This new exercise goes beyond what may be useful for prestige purposes. It involves 30 percent of Russian active duty military & must be costly at a time when Russia's defence budget is under strain. This only makes sense if large-scale war is viewed as a high probability contingency." Franà §ois Heisbourg, London International Institute for Strategic Studies

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Jay Janson is an archival research peoples historian activist, musician and writer; has lived and worked on all continents; articles on media published in China, Italy, UK, India, in Germany & Sweden Einartysken,and in the US by Dissident (more...)

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