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"People are being murdered by horrible care for Covid-19 in NYC" - Licensed Nurse Practioner

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Scott Baker
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Nurse Practioner speaks out against mistreatment of patients in NYC
Nurse Practioner speaks out against mistreatment of patients in NYC
(Image by N.A.)
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You need to see this heart-wrenching, infuriating, terrifying (especially for those, like me, who live in New York City), video:

New York City nurse patients killed by ventilator overuse and neglect

Patients have terrible outcomes from treatments in New York City. Not mentioned in the video is a statistic that over 80% of those put on ventilators will never come off them, they will just die. The other 20% will likely have lung damage, often permanent.

But the video is from a professional nurse practitioner, not on the front lines here, so she is free to speak out, but who knows of nurses and doctors whose treatment is literally killing people, for multiple reasons that she goes into detail about.

She also briefly mentions the triple cocktail of hydroxychloroquine, azirithrimycin, and zinc, that has shown good results when administered early in the disease. It can't stop lung damage once it starts. No other drug can either, including the recently headline-making Remdesivir, which will cost a whole lot more. Remdesivir had been a failed drug previously, but has now been remarketed as a treatment for Covid-19 which even its supporters admit has only weak results. But what it does have, is powerful and connected advocates in Washington, who can pay good money in campaign donations to politicians to approve of it.

I've posted these quicklinks to the articles on the hydroxycloroquine, azirithrimycin and zinc combination that is working wonders for patients - where it is being allowed to be used. They are respectively, a metastudy by a doctor, and an open letter from a group of doctors, supporting the use of the drug cocktail above. Both have to fight - in the open - against political opposition that has nothing to do with science, to the best current treatment available. People are literally dying because of politics.

Here in New York City, the lockdown has not been lifted, even though the curve has plateaued somewhat, due to the most drastic social distancing and business shutdown in the country. Up to half of some building owners tenants aren't able to pay their rent - it is due TODAY - and unemployment has reached double digits locally and nationwide, with over 30 million people declaring unemployment, certainly understated because of failures of the over-whelmed system. Deaths of despair will certainly skyrocket, if they aren't already. Poverty is a known and established killer. Homelessness is visibly on the rise here, and they have taken over the storefronts and parks all over the city.

Yesterday, our Mayor proclaimed his intent to shut down 100 miles of city streets, after pressure from the equally tone-deaf City council to go to our Governor, who has taken unprecedented steps to deny gatherings of people or allow them to even earn a livelihood, despite no real evidence that the policies are actually working, or just delaying the spread, and recent tests in NYC have shown up to a quarter of the population has already had Covid-19 and developed anti-bodies to it, meaning its fatality rate has been hugely over-stated and it is mostly comorbidity factors of a chronically unhealthy American population that is causing a death rate 6X higher than normal in New York City.

On a personal note, I have told my wife I do not want to be intubated if I catch this and get so sick I have to go to the hospital. Given my age - over 60 - and the terrible state of our hospitals, I give it a 50-50 chance I will ever come out again. I would only go to Lenox Hill at this point, which is the only hospital that has established treatment with the triple cocktail involving hydroxychloroquine.

The entire medical establishment, media, and capitalist system has become politicized, pushing science to a back corner. It's no secret this has been going on for a while, but it is now openly killing people in favor of taking one side or the other; I have no doubt the triple cocktail side is ignoring other treatments in favor of the hydroxycloroquine cure too, which may now be, or soon will be, better.

We have in America, some of the worst results in the world, with half the outcomes from Covid-19 that are officially recorded, resulting in death. See the Johns Hopkins chart here, click on the United States - by far the highest number of cases at over a million, with no letup in site, a third of them in New York State, and a third of those in New York City. The death to recovered rate in the country is about 1:2, worse by far then most countries. In Italy and Spain it is closer to 1:3, and even wider in many other countries, which also happen to have much lower infection rates. Even if the high infection rate is due to more testing here - and there are many countries that are testing at a much higher rate per capita - it doesn't excuse the shocking death rates here.

That is partly due to our chronic conditions such as: being overweight, with one bariatric surgeon making a Youtube video saying it is a bigger risk factor than being elderly; having diabetes - an epidemic far more widespread than Covid-19 in America; and having hypertension, almost as widespread. Being old is also a major risk factor, as it is for everything.

But that doesn't excuse the lockdown, motivated by politics, as much as science - with its constantly changing epidemiological models that can't predict accurately.

Who will be the last patient to die for an ideology?

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Scott Baker is a Managing Editor & The Economics Editor at Opednews, and a former blogger for Huffington Post, Daily Kos, and Global Economic Intersection.

His anthology of updated Opednews articles "America is Not Broke" was published by Tayen Lane Publishing (March, 2015) and may be found here:

Scott is a former and current President of Common Ground-NY (http://commongroundnyc.org/), a Geoist/Georgist activist group. He has written dozens of (more...)

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