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OpEdNews Op Eds    H3'ed 9/8/24

Plans to make you disposable

By Dr. Mazin Qumsiyeh  Posted by Peter Barus (about the submitter)   No comments, In Series: Reports from Palestine
Author 6967

Peter Barus
Message Peter Barus

From occupied besieged Bethlehem, we continue to work hard in our institute (palestinenature.org) for sustainable human and natural communities. I will continue to write these compilations of items not seen on mainstream media. They intend to challenge disinformation, denials, distortions, distractions, and destruction. I hope you disseminate, act, or ask to be removed from this list.

Israeli forces just killed another US citizen Ayenur Eygi (shot by an occupation sniper in the head). Like other US citizens killed, the US government asks the murderers to investigate (and exonerate) themselves. And US/Israeli massacres of Palestinian civilians in the Gaza strip continue unabated (50-100 a day 75% of them women and children). How many more thousands of children have to die before we stop arming genocide. Here is a commentary I wrote three years ago and still valid today:

*Europe (governments) decided to tie its horse more tightly to the US canon wagon and march to war to maintain US hegemony (a hopeless task). Predictably, Iran, Russia and China hitched their wagons together. A new world is shaping up. The outcome will inevitably not be what the US wants to preserve: a monopolar world that it and it alone dominates. They should have learned lessons from history. Their war on Iraq in 2003 which was intended to keep hegemony of the US and Israel backfired: now Iran, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Lebanon, Palestine, Afghanistan etc form a block resistant to this hegemony. Latin America is breaking from US dominance (the Monroe doctrine) after decades of CIA and Mossad toppling governments and supporting brutal dictators. People do not forget (1973 in Chile, 1953 Iran, 1948 Palestine etc.). The regimes in Washington and Tel Aviv double down instead of learning lessons: propping the Saudi brutal regime (Mohammad Chainsaw Bin Salman) after Biden promising in elections to make the regime pariah. Biden also props the worst fascist right-wing Israeli government as it engages in more colonial settlement activities and crimes against humanity. Chickens do come home to roost and as in the laws of physics: actions are followed by reactions. People are awakening. Yet, the price of foolishness is high. Inflation is rising globally (including food and energy prices), unemployment will rise, climate change and other human caused environmental destruction are ignored, nuclear weapons proliferate (Israel has them and is ready to use them to maintain its racist system because the west will not take on BDS), and many more millions of refugee will flood Europe (and the 8 million Palestinian refugees still await a return). A global war is starting. The earth literally will burn. We are in for a tough road ahead as the new world order (not the one envisioned by Zionists and imperialists) takes shape.... Palestine is a small but significant part. Small because we (Palestinians and Israelis) represent here

Film made in 2002 is relevant today: Palestine is still the issue and a video on gaza.

Palestinians, the final victims of the holocaust

(insightful) The Plan of The 1% to Make You DISPOSABLE - Vandana Shiva

Part of the stories slowly began being reported on "mainstream" media. Here si ABC on torture of Paestinians in Israeli gulags (prisons).

The father of the four day old twins that srael killed SPEAKS OUT. He breaks our hearts showing what he had bought for them

Is it time now to reflect honestly? I faced my Jewish racism, can you do the same?

(not only "Israel") The West sees Palestinians as subhuman

Palestine will live because surviving children will keep it alive

(Unfulfilled) words from the 2030 UN Agenda for Sustainable Development: As we embark on this great collective journey, we pledge that no one will be left behind. Recognizing that the dignity of the human person is fundamental, we wish to see the goals and targets met for all nations and peoples and for all segments of society. And we will endeavour to reach the furthest behind first."

Stay Human and keep Palestine alive

Mazin Qumsiyeh
A bedouin in cyberspace, a villager at home
Professor, Founder, and (volunteer) Director Palestine Museum of Natural History
Palestine Institute of Biodiversity and Sustainability Bethlehem University Occupied Palestine
facebook pages Personal Institute

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