Here we are approaching another presidential election in 2020. This is an auspicious time. It is a time to choose the direction of the nation for the next 4 years. Pondering the results of the 2016 election, we are all fully aware of what significant changes are possible with the installation of a new president.
The hope behind any functioning democracy is that the citizenry are capable of serious decision-making going beyond their individual emotional states or self-interests. The hope is that citizens will ponder what their choices will mean for a democratic society and decide whether they are in full support of the direction the government has taken under the last administration or if they see a need for a significant change of direction.
What makes this election even more important is that we are, as Americans, but also as inhabitants of a planet, receiving clear signals of environmental changes that are reordering our realities of what normal human life is, and can be. It is clear that the old normal no longer reigns. The question is, what do we need to do as a nation to promote the changes necessary for survivability and sustainability of the human race and which candidates are ready to seriously confront these issues.
The economic elite, who now control and dominate the American political system, would have us focus on keeping the current system while simply tweaking some elements. This, of course, would secure their power and dominance, allowing them to continue to confiscate our national wealth and use it for their economic dominance as well as the exploitation the citizenry and the planet for economic ends.
Although these trends have been happening for the last 5 decades, the last few years have shown us, pretty dramatically, what that kind of "gloves off" economic dominance has produced and what it has in store for the future of this nation and for the planet.
It isn't even about who you personally like or hate; it is about who will steer us back to a democracy, so that, as citizens we can regain control of the decision-making process and make the human decisions necessary to regain control of our nation and act decisively and internationally to deal with the challenges of a new reality in global ecology.
This will be an election that will show if we can go beyond the old politics of economics, self-interest, and power, and reestablish the general citizenry and the human spirit as the real power-centers necessary to deal with the realities of the modern world.