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OpEdNews Op Eds    H2'ed 9/10/10

Politics is Not about Instant Gratification

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Milton Lee Norris
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The American people need help. When President Barack Obama spoke, he was very clear; "he said there is no silver bullet to fix economic problems created by a decade of bad policies."

For those that need interpretation of what he meant, he was talking about the Bush Administration and the policies which brought America to the brink of disaster. What the American people fail to realize is that there is no fairy godmother here to fix things; that's make believe and politics is not a make believe world, though sometimes I'm sure we'd like to believe that it is. The American people must realize that politics is not about instant gratification. Unfortunately the arrogance of this country has led some people to believe that they can have everything they want when they want it; some people are just as arrogant as some of the politicians, but unlike the politicians that run this country, they are just some of the people that vote. Some politicians and people place such a high value on money that they let their money dictate their emotions. It's almost as if some Americans believe that their money is their God; they seem to hold it up higher than anything in the world. The American people need to realize that politics is different than buying something from their favorite boutique.

Whether the American people realize it or not, what the Bush Administration did to the American people was like a rape. Jobs were sent over seas, sons and daughters were sent overseas; over 4,000 American soldiers were killed, and over 31 thousand were wounded. As the soldiers and their families need time to heal and recover, one must realize that the United States of America also needs time to recover; it is going to take time to continue sorting out this mega mess, which was left by the Bush Administration. This massive scale of ineptitude created by the Bush Administration will take longer to fix that the year and a half that President Obama has been in office. The American people expected President Obama to fix their terrible economic woes instantly; the Presidency is not about being instantaneous; it's about doing what is right. Some of those jobs lost were destroyed, new ways must be implemented and all of this takes time. Instant gratification is nonexistent, especially after being hauled over the coals by an evil administration; recovery takes time.

You see unlike the Robin Hood that you've read about or seen in the movies, this Robin Hood stole from the poor and gave it to the rich in all of these tax breaks and incentives created by the Republican Party. There are things that the American people with never get back.

Common sense is a great tool to have and President Obama has been using this tool from the beginning; this is something that the Republican Party is not used to seeing; Bush didn't have it and it is impossible to ask the Republican Party to use something that they don't possess. The Republican Party's ego seems bent on destroying what is important to the American people by trying to block everything that this current administration is trying to do. There are even some Republicans who are saying that they will repeal President Obama's Landmark Health-Care Reform Bill, which was signed back in March 2010.

President Obama has been criticized on everything that he has said and done for the American people, yet some Americans are saying that they will vote for the Republican Party in November; I even heard someone say that they will vote for a generic Republican.

When people start talking in this fashion because things haven't moved as quickly as they'd like, they act stupid, that's when others look at America and say what I say; Americans are stupid. If someone would rather have the politics of the Bush Administration, which invaded Iraq and caused over 4,000 of our men and women to be killed and over 31 thousand wounded, then they must have rocks for brain; certain things are just plain stupid.

For anyone to even entertain such a thought is what I call brazenly stupid, especially when that same administration continued giving tax credits for the extremely wealthy. The middle class and poor continued losing their jobs because corporate America continued sending their jobs overseas, while other companies continued downsizing after making billions of dollars in profits.

Meanwhile many home owners found their homes in foreclosure.

It seems like America does not want anyone to tell them the truth; look what happened when they were told the truth several times during the Bush administration, when they were told unequivocally told that Iraq had no weapons of mass destruction. One would think that should have ended this illegal war, after all that was the reason the Bush administration gave for invading Iraq, but it did not; the war kept on raging as more soldiers were killed and wounded. Americans don't like to be told the truth; they would rather for someone to lie, cheat and steal.

When Former Attorney General Ramsey Clark spoke of impeaching President Bush in 2003, the politicians ignored his claims and brushed it aside; they allowed Bush to remain in office rather than impeach him. Americans really don't like to be told the truth.

If President Obama were to turn White, then I think the American people would approve of what he's doing a whole lot more; many Americans don't want to give this Black man the credit that he deserves; they would rather see him fail.

Now that President Obama has told the truth about the Republican Party talking about him like a dog, they really don't know what to think. He called them out and stripped them down to their skivvies; I say bravo!

What President Obama said are exactly my sentiments; before this few people would say exactly what they thought; I have and last week Gayle King, editor at large of O Magazine did so again, when she spoke about President Obama's speech. She commented on President Obama not wanting to have an open ended war, and went to say.., "I get so frustrated because no matter what he does as President of the United States, he's going to be knocked, he's never acknowledged for all of the things that he does do."

It's good to see and hear someone speak up for our President because truth does matter, and President Obama told the voters and everyone before we elected him, that he needed our help and the help of everyone in the Congress and Senate to get his job done. When Barack Obama won the Presidential election in 2008 and became the President-Elect, he told America that "The road ahead will be long. Our climb will be steep. We may not get there in one year or even one term, but America--I have never been more hopeful than I am tonight that we will get there. I promise you--we as a people will get there."

He went on to say in his inauguration speech, ".. the challenges we face are real. They are serious and they are many. They will not be met easily or in a short span of time. But know this America: They will be met." Did America listen to what President Obama has been telling her, or did she just brush off what he said in her well know arrogant way? There is a problem with how some politicians and how some people hear; they don't listen; they let the speaker talk but feel that what the speaker is saying is not really meant for them, so they dismiss it without listening to what the speaker is saying. There is a grave danger in that because now they have no real idea of what he told them. America's arrogant behavior has been doing that for a very long time, especially when it comes to Black speakers that they feel don't really have anything new to say; they made a huge mistake with President Obama.

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