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OpEdNews Op Eds    H2'ed 8/26/14

Postcard From Another World

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Bob Alexander
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Crazy Land USA.
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A friend recently wrote me: "Remember the realization back in the early 70's that the whole country was insane? Could it be true, could a whole country go insane?"

Way back when, in the dim distant past, when dinosaurs ruled the Earth and pterodactyls swooped through the skies -- You know -- the 70's -- my friend and I were trying to get a sense of "What's Going On."
Here we are, millions of years later, still trying to map out a strange land. The only difference now is he still lives in that strange land, and my family escaped across the border into Beautiful British Columbia. In fact, last week -- August 22 -- marked our Third Anniversary in Canada.

I've written quite a bit about Our Canadian Life so I won't bore y'all with too many more tales of how much better it is up here compared to the good ol' USA. To Sum Up: this is the month we can apply for Permanent Residency and the only way you could get us out of here is with a pry bar and blasting caps. If, for some bizarre reason, we were forced to go live once again back in the states, there 's a very good chance I would die of the dry heaves.

You can't help but gain a little more objectivity about a country's Current Events when you 're outside looking in. And after three years of looking at What The Hell Is Happening in the U.S. from across the border -- I'm looking at CrazyLand.

Let 's take a look at guns for instance:

There have been 31 recorded school shootings in the US in the first six months of 2014. Canada has had 16 school shootings -- over the last 130 years.

And then there's the so-called "crisis" regarding illegal immigration:

On Aug. 14, the CBSA (Canada Border Services Agency) arrested 21 people for immigration violations during a joint commercial vehicle safety blitz with the Ontario Provincial Police and the Ministries of Transportation and Environment. Immigration advocates were outraged the arrests were conducted during a vehicle safety check.

"It's clear that these raids are relying on racial profiling to make these immigration-related arrests. As such the legality of the raids is extremely questionable," said Macdonald Scott, immigration consultant at Carranza LLP.

And the response from the community? Makeshift signs appeared in neighborhoods saying, "We don't care if you're illegal or not." Contrast that with the crazy white people terrorizing a bus full of kids caught trying to escape from U.S. backed terror states in Central America.

Want more Canada vs. CrazyLand comparisons? Why bother? It'll just make you feel worse and I'll just come across like a smug jerk.

Y'see, the answer to my friend 's question, "Could it be true, could a whole country go insane?" is -- in the words of my Scandinavian ancestors -- a resounding Ya Shur You Betcha!

How does a country go collectively nuts? It's easy. All you have to do is lie to the people. And keep lying to them. Day in. Day out. Forever. Eventually -- voil -- crazy country.

And there really doesn't seem to be a cure. As Mark Twain said, "It's easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled."

You can prove that one by just talking facts to anyone who habitually watches Fox News or listens to Rush Limbaugh.

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Some 45 years ago I became aware of the fact that the government of The United States was trying to kill me. I wasn't paranoid or anything. I mean I knew the government wasn't out to kill me personally. They just wanted to kill as many Vietnamese (more...)
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