First, up Tim Black, in a 90-second rant he videoed right after 4 hours of livestream on election night. He puts the MSM and DNC in it's place. Beautiful.
"We GAVE you the person who could have won this" you rejected him, you kneecapped him, you stole from him, you cheated us at the polls, you colluded with the media " and now you got Trump, and guess what? You deserve him because you betrayed your ethics"You betrayed us all"I'm naming names:"." And he named quite a few.
A PSA To The Democratic Party, DNC and Mainstream Media
Tim also posted this 6-minute out take-style rant from Jonathan Pie News. Pie is a satirical news reporter character created and played by actor Tom Walker. He nails it here as a conflicted UK reporter ranting over the results of the US election as he appears to prepare to go on air. (Caution: Language. But as Aaron Sorkin said in his open letter to his 15-year-old daughter regarding the election results, "there's a time for this kind of language, and it's now.")
Pie knows who is to blame for the rise of Trump, wait til you hear who he accuses.
As one of the commenters noted, "Jonathan Pie is a fictional news reporter, that tells it like it is. But this sarcastic comedic skit is actually better than actual f*cking news."
President Trump: How & Why"
PS- Here's a great response to Aaron Sorkin's letter from Tim Black, along with Tim's letter to his son.