A way forward
If the US is to survive, it must hold true to its principles.
Inalienable rights, equal justice under law.
So I propose an new orientation for our country.
Suppose US foreign and domestic policy supported equal rights for women.
And President Obama issued a Presidential Proclamation
An Emancipation Proclamation for women.
It would change the rights of women overnight.
We could make up the extra costs to employers for two years,
So nobody got fired and women got a raise, and the economy got a stimulus for people--
Then, after two years, deal with conditions and make adjustments as necessary.
And I propose a minimum wage for the waitresses,
Hairdressers and truck drivers not currently protected
By the Fair Labor Standards Act. These are jobs that cannot be outsourced,
And money that would go to Main Street.
And motherhood should be subsidized.
Pay women to stay home and raise well-loved children.
OK so we got equal rights for women as an economic game-changer,
Now suppose the Pentagon changed its orientation
From life-taker to life-saver.
Let them protect the work of Doctors Without Borders.
Let the Pentagon create modern hygiene and separate waste streams for water and waste--
And underground corridors for power and communications.
The Pentagon has already issued a statement
That the greatest future threat to US security is climate change.
Increasing natural disasters and increasing extreme weather events
Mean that many more lives will be at risk,
creating the conditions for political and economic turmoil.
So arm the army to save lives as well as take them.
Make the US military a force for equal rights
And life. Make full spectrum dominance support a right to life for all.
There can be no better public relations
Or winning of hearts and minds.
Together, these measures constitute a new strategy for America,
A way to succeed and prosper and stand behind its principles.
And it doesn't have to stop at people.
We must defend the penguins going extinct, the polar bears, walruses, tigers and on and on.
If our ecology lacks diversity, it will collapse and us with it.
A way forward must be found beyond mere exploitation if
The US and Humanity is to survive.
Any fool can take life, who will preserve it more fiercely than mothers?
Who is better prepared to project force worldwide?
A inclusive force for good is an indomitable strategy of inalienable rights and equal justice.
If the US is to survive, it must hold true to its principles.
Inalienable rights, equal justice under law.
So I propose an new orientation for our country.
Suppose US foreign and domestic policy supported equal rights for women.
And President Obama issued a Presidential Proclamation
An Emancipation Proclamation for women.
It would change the rights of women overnight.
We could make up the extra costs to employers for two years,
So nobody got fired and women got a raise, and the economy got a stimulus for people--
Then, after two years, deal with conditions and make adjustments as necessary.
And I propose a minimum wage for the waitresses,
Hairdressers and truck drivers not currently protected
By the Fair Labor Standards Act. These are jobs that cannot be outsourced,
And money that would go to Main Street.
And motherhood should be subsidized.
Pay women to stay home and raise well-loved children.
OK so we got equal rights for women as an economic game-changer,
Now suppose the Pentagon changed its orientation
From life-taker to life-saver.
Let them protect the work of Doctors Without Borders.
Let the Pentagon create modern hygiene and separate waste streams for water and waste--
And underground corridors for power and communications.
The Pentagon has already issued a statement
That the greatest future threat to US security is climate change.
Increasing natural disasters and increasing extreme weather events
Mean that many more lives will be at risk,
creating the conditions for political and economic turmoil.
So arm the army to save lives as well as take them.
Make the US military a force for equal rights
And life. Make full spectrum dominance support a right to life for all.
There can be no better public relations
Or winning of hearts and minds.
Together, these measures constitute a new strategy for America,
A way to succeed and prosper and stand behind its principles.
And it doesn't have to stop at people.
We must defend the penguins going extinct, the polar bears, walruses, tigers and on and on.
If our ecology lacks diversity, it will collapse and us with it.
A way forward must be found beyond mere exploitation if
The US and Humanity is to survive.
Any fool can take life, who will preserve it more fiercely than mothers?
Who is better prepared to project force worldwide?
A inclusive force for good is an indomitable strategy of inalienable rights and equal justice.