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President Obama Put on His Boxing Gloves by Milton Lee Norris

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Milton Lee Norris
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President Obama took the I out of Tuesday's news conference, and told everyone who and what this tax deal was all about. In no uncertain terms he told everyone that he was fighting for the American people, especially the middle class and lower income people, who depend on their politicians to look out for them, and not hang them out to dry as a former administration had done.

For anyone who thought that our President had an ego problem or was arrogant; this news conference told who the arrogant and who the egotistical people were. Basically he told everyone including the Republican Party, the Democratic Party and the Press that there is no I in politics; there is no I in being a public servant; it is all about serving the American people, and if that meant that he would have to compromise, then he would.

President Obama entered this ring fed up and perhaps a little angry, but it was a controlled anger, for he was able to answer each and every question unequivocally. He put on his boxing gloves and gave a few knock out punches; he also said what he would be fighting for in the next two years. He told the American people and everyone that listened, that this is not the deal that he wanted, but it wasn't about what he wanted, or about keeping his word just to make a point. This tax deal was made because at this time this was what is best deal for the American people, who are suffering with higher prices and bringing home less in their paychecks; it is also for those of us who are unemployed and on unemployment, so that we will be able to continue to pay rent, put food on our table, and possibly pay some other bills. The reason that President Obama compromised is because the Republican Party made it clear that without the tax break for the very wealthy, that they weren't budging. President Obama refused to let the American people be pawned off for the sake of having his way; it wasn't about what he wanted, it never has been about what he wanted; it's always been about what is best for the American people. He is name is not Bush; it is Obama, President Obama, and he is telling the American people the truth.

I don't want to be hung out to dry as our former President did; it would seem that the American people should be tired of being hung out to dry by any political party. I am tired of being hung out to dry, but evidently some Americans, who I call stupid, are not. November 2010 did not have the turnout of the 2008 election, and why, because the American people didn't get what they wanted as fast as they would have liked to; unemployment continued to climb, so many gave up on supporting President Obama and the Democratic Party. Many people didn't listen to what he had told them before and during his inaugural address; he told all of us that he needed our help, but what did the American voters do in 2010, they voted back in the same politicians that they had voted out, the same politicians that supported the Bush agenda, and now they wonder why there has to be any compromise. Meanwhile many of those who voted for Obama and the Democratic Party in 2010 didn't vote at all. When people don't vote, we all suffer the consequences.

You see the American people must learn "how to' listen to what President Obama is talking about, and to what he says, because he gave it to us straight when he told us in his acceptance speech, ". "The road ahead will be long. Our climb will be steep. We may not get there in one year or even one term, but America --I have never been more hopeful than I am tonight that we will get there. I promise you--we as a people will get there." People must understand that with their excitement and revelry, commitments must be followed through; getting things done is not magical, and there is no genie in American politics.


He gave it to us straight again at his inauguration address when he reiterated, " ".. the challenges we face are real.  They are serious and they are many.  They will not be met easily or in a short span of time.  But know this America :  They will be met."   < http://www.whitehouse.gov/blog/inaugural-address/>

The American people and politicians must know and realize too that less than 2 years is a short span of time, and for those who can't count, President Obama took office in January 2009, not in October or November of 2008. I mention this simply because so many people have been saying even before October 2010, that President Obama has been in office for two years.

You see arrogance is about what you want for yourself, and putting yourself first; when the self tries to outdo the others at all costs, then that's not only arrogant but it's also egotistical; it's your ego talking to you. President Obama said that he would have loved to have fought before for what he wanted, and that he still intends to fight, but now is not that time; the American people need to be taken care of now, and he is working to help the American people, something that he pledged to do before being elected and continues doing against all adversity. He told everyone that if they think that there's a problem now, with the Republican Party fighting against the Democratic Party and him, just wait until more Republicans are sworn in next year.

What the American people and the Democratic Party must realize is that the Republican Party has been fighting tooth and nail on every single thing that President Obama has been trying to do, from Health Plan, Wall Street, the Gulf Oil Spill and they've stalled keeping the Unemployment Extensions from going through many times before; they just stopped it again last month. < http://politicmo.com/2010/11/20/unemployment-benefit-extension-blocked-in-house/>

One question that the Republican Party continues to ask is how are things going to be paid for? Strangely they didn't ask that question when the Bush administration was invading Iraq and began killing thousands of people; perhaps when you're killing people and spending multi-billions of dollars the money doesn't have to be accounted for. After all there is still 9 billion dollars of the American people's tax money that was lost and unaccounted for in the Iraq War. < http://usliberals.about.com/od/homelandsecurit1/a/IraqNumbers.htm>

What the American people must realize is that some of their own Democratic politicians within the Democratic Party have sided with the Republican Party, and others weren't too gung ho about what President Obama has been working hard to accomplish. Their inactions allowed the Tea Party to take root in politics, and why because the two parties both Republican and Democratic, in the House and the Senate couldn't come to terms with each other. These two parties are to blame because there are some politicians who refuse to give our President, this Black man the credit that he so deserves, and they'd rather see this country crumble because of their own arrogance and egos.

The American people, Congress and the Senate, Republicans or Democrats have never seen the likes of this man; he's only begun to fight and he displays a little anger along with common sense in his knock out punches.

I feel that President Obama is trying to change this country by relating to people in a more direct and personal way; he reminds me of one of the ways that I described my book, "Born In The Wrong Country," when I said that, ".. "Born In The Wrong Country" is about what the United States of America has neglected to do, things that this government have ignored when it comes to its own people. It deals with the White and the Black situation in America , the poor and other minorities, and of the hunger that faces the people of the United States . Mental hunger and physical hunger of what people want, and what people need are discussed." President Obama is championing just that, what the people need, yes the middle class, poor people and the minorities that are suffering; he is championing what this country has neglected to do.

Today something very unfortunate occurred; President Obama's own Democratic Party went against everything that he told them on Tuesday; they defied him and refused to bring this tax deal to a vote.

There are certain Democratic politicians like Congressman Anthony Weiner who spoke against President Obama on Good Morning America , with George Stephanopoulos. In essence he said that he didn't think that President Obama has worked hard enough on his tax cut bill, he said, " "Well, it was a closed-door caucus but, apparently, some information has leaked out. Look, what it basically came down to is I urged the vice president and the president to fight a little harder. ..." <http://www.fednews.com/transcript.htm?id=20101209t0216&SLID=67fc2be6d0c9f99b912ad8bfefbd06e9>

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