August 7, 2017
Contacts: Porsche Rayford-Middleton/Northern California 916-230-7086
Robert Leahy/Southern California 323-807-2058
Progressive Democratic Party Veterans Win New Caucus Election
After 'Improper' Election at State Convention in Sacramento Last May
SACRAMENTO -- The California Democratic Party -- after a challenge by a more progressive wing of veterans within the party -- has overturned the state Veterans Caucus Executive Board election held last May at a contentious CDP State Convention in Sacramento and called for a new election in November.
The Compliance Review Commission (CRC) of the California Democratic Party unanimously overturned the Veterans Caucus Executive Board election of May 19 after complaints that the election was improper.
Mr. Leahy was joined by officers from all the California Democratic Party Veterans Clubs in the state, and veterans from Sacramento, San Diego, Los Angeles, San Bernardino, Riverside, Siskiyou, Alameda, Contra Costa and Orange counties.
"The former Veterans Caucus Officers -- who have all now resigned their positions -- did not honor the idea of a fair and open election, violating the basic rights of all veterans. It was an improper election, and a very sad day for Democracy. Many of us felt it was best to fight for Democracy and Justice, and called for a new, fair election. The California Democratic Party has now agreed," Mr. Leahy explained.
While the CRC decision can be appealed by August 14, Mr. Leahy noted that it is unlikely after the entire former elected Executive Board resigned in protest when the decision was announced. If no appeal is filed, the new election will be held at the November meeting of the Veterans Caucus of the California Democratic Party at the party's Executive Board Meeting in Millbrae Nov. 17-19.
In the meantime, the CRC appointed former Veterans Caucus Chair Rick Reyes to serve as Interim Chair until a new Chair is elected. Mr. Reyes will not be a candidate.
NOTE: The California Democratic Party Veterans Caucus, established in July 2000, is tasked with representing the issues specific to its membership within the structure and function of the CDP. Specifically, the Veterans Caucus seeks to ensure that Veterans issues remain on the forefront in the Democratic Party.